Curses and Questions

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'Curse you pan!' 

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'Curse you pan!' 

'You insolent boy, you are too weak to wield power enough to curse me.' saints. I can not stand such flawed confidence. 'Hoist them up boys!' I shouted as my lost boys raised the cages that held the trio of rouges. An attack against one of my lost boys, is an attack against me. Besides, I have pertained a particular liking to this one. 

Speaking of nick, she wasn't there when I got back to the camp. Key, who was suppose to stay by her side today, said she was bathing and would be back soon. He was making something in the kitchen, but I was to annoyed to find out what. It's barely six in the morning and Im already irritated. 

Too stressed to deal with human interaction, I head back into the home tree and go straight to my study. Now that a girl has made her way onto the island, I need to know if she was the missing piece to the prophesy. I have decided to write to Hazona- the oracle,


You have forewarned me of  a curse on my island. 

You have told me of a solution brought by my shadow. 


She is the solution, yes?

Do not be cryptic with me woman. I must know. 

What is this curse? Does she know of it? 

Who placed it? How does she solve it?

I need answers, quickly. I am open to meeting you in person, upon your request. 

Write back soon, 


I seal the letter in an envelope with wax and press it in with my seal. I lean over my desk and set the edge of the envelope to flame over my candle stick. I watch as the envelope turns to ash that flys away with the smoke until it disintegrates, and I know it will re-vaportate into the old wench's hands. I should receive a letter back, via smoke mail, in the next day or so.  Oh, how I love magic. 

I am disturbed by a knock on my door. I am not in the mood right now to deal with these boys. 'What do you need? It better be good, or I'm locking you up there with them boy. Come in.' My voice sounds as annoyed as I am at the moment.

The door slowly creaks open and a small head peeks in, 'Hey Peter.' her voice is barely audible, but hearing her say my name has me straining to listen. 'Is everything alright?' she asks.

'Oh, yes. yes, come in nick.' I feel myself become less tense when she walks in. 'How are you feeling, snowflake? Did key show you the watering hole?' 

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