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The next day

"congratulations on your win!" I smile and hug him.

"thank you, it would have been much better if you were there though." He smiles at me back but I can tell he's upset.

"yeah, sorry I couldn't make it." He's making me feel really guilty, "maybe next time."

"yeah I'd like that," he smiles bigger. "Well I'm going out with the team to celebrate our first win of the season." 

"okay have fun," I say. He leaves and there's a knock on the door, which is weird because Pedri just left.

I open it and see Nova. "Hey," I say even though I'm shocked to see her standing there.

She walks in glaring at me, "no, not heyy, when were you gonna tell me all this?"

"I don't know, how did you get here?" I ask her still confused on how and why she's here.  

"Pedri." She says still seeming a little mad.

"okay well, I've been busy I started work yesterday," I say trying to calm her down a little.

"so what have you been doing this past few days?" She asks. I haven't talked to her for a while. 

"I've been hanging out with my best friend, Adella," I tell her and I see her expression change, I probably should've worded it better. 

"but I'm you're best friend I have been for years," she says raising her voice slightly. 

"I'm allowed to have 2 best friends," I say calmly. Yeah she's been my best friend forever but that doesn't mean I can't have other friends.

"no your not, that's not fair, do you know how confused I was when Mateo told me you broke up and you've been kicked out, I can't believe Pedri had to tell me you're living with him in Barcelona, as a best friend you should have come straight to me." She's really upset, I didn't know it would hurt her as much as it did.

"I'm really sorry about that Nova my mind was all over the place but you have to understand you don't live in Barcelona so I made a new friend that can help me if I need help, when you live 2000 miles away it;s kinda hard for you to fix my issues," I tell her slightly annoyed.

"yeah but I thought I could come to Barcelona for a bit to spend time with you." She smiles at me.

"you could but I work and I'm out a lot," I explain to her.

"that's fine as long as you're not with Adella most of the time." What the hell is wrong with her? She hasn't even met Adella and she's already being a bitch about her. I mean, I know I basically did the same but that's different, I was never rude to her.

"she's my friend Nova, of course I'm gonna spend time with her," I argue back.

"yeah but now I'm here so you don't need to spend time with her," she says.

"why don't you want me to have another friend?" I ask confused. 

"I'm just scared that you'll leave me for her." I knew that's what the problem was. Me and Nova both have somewhat attachment issues, that's why I feel so homesick, that's why I hate it here and love it here at the same time. So she's missed me and even though I missed her as well when I met Adella I kinda forgot about her.

"meet her then," I know she won't like the idea but maybe it'll let her calm down, "she's scared of the same thing so lets all meet up you'll love each other."

"okay fine." She doesn't look happy but I just know once they meet everything will be fine.

"is that okay, tomorrow maybe?" I ask her. 

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