treinta y ocho

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4 hours later

"night guys," we are all finally going to bed because the boys have a match and we're tired anyway.

I hug Pablo and Joao, and kiss Adella. "I'm never gonna get over the fact you do that."

"and how we've never seen you do it before," I roll my eyes. I'm kinda wishing we never kissed.

"please be ready by ten guys I'm being serious or I'm leaving without you," Pedri tells us. 

"we won't be late this match is important." Joao reassures him and so we all go to our rooms.

I go into the bathroom and start putting my hair into dutch braids. Then Pedri walks in and kisses my cheek, "what are you doing?"

"what does it look like I'm doing?" I turn my body to look at him, "braiding my hair."

"yeah," he says like its obvious but he asked. "But how? It looks so hard."

I laugh, "when you grow enough hair you can try."

"haha very funny," he says sarcastically.

"I know I am," I tell him proud of myself.

"are you definitely okay with the whole Nova situation?" He asks me. I kinda just want to forget about it.

I shrug my shoulders, which hurt because my arms have been in the air for too long, "I'm fine. It was hard but it was the right decision for everyone, I was causing other people pain because she was only here for me."

He nods his head slowly, "why? Is everything okay?"

"everything is fine," he says but I know there's more.

"but?" I say waiting for him to elaborate.

"if she thought you were working and Adella was on a date then why did she come over in the first place?" He asks more to himself than me because how the hell am I supposed to know. Now that I think about it though he's right. The only reason she would've come is for him.

"well she did tell me to ask you if you could take her to the airport and I forgot but she could have texted you so I don't know," that's the only thing I can come up with but even that doesn't make sense.

"oh umm." He fake chuckles and rubs his neck awkwardly and suddenly I have a feeling he knows why she was here.

"do you know why?" I ask him seeing if he will lie to me.

He fake smiles at me, "no, maybe she left something at the house."

I shake my head, "she never comes here with something other than her phone and she had that yesterday." I remember vividly, yesterday because she was showing us the place where she got her nails at.

"oh then who knows?" He shrugs his shoulders but he's been acting weird and something is telling me it has something to do with Nova.

"you're lying to me," I know he is. I just need to know why.

"what of course not why would I do that?" He looks offended but really guilty at the same time so I know I'm right. 

"I don't know you tell me, you've also been acting really weird recently so tell me the truth Pedri." Then I think of the worst possible thing, "oh my god you're cheating on me with her!"

He shakes his head fast, "what no, no, never. I'm not I promise." He completely denies it then slowly comes to a realization. "Is that why you thought I was gonna break up with you?"

"don't change the subject." I'm happy he's not cheating but I still don't know what's happened, "what is it then?"

He sighs, "she's well, been flirting with me ever since she got here."

"what?" I ask confused. What does he mean by that?

He avoids all eye contact with me, "she's been saying that I don't deserve you and that I need a proper woman like her. Let's just say she's never been over that crush she had when she was 7"

As heartbroken as I am to hear this the main reason I'm mad is that he hasn't told me this whole time. "And you're telling me this now?"

"we-" He starts but I cut him off, not caring what he has to say.

"my ex best friend has been trying to get with you, has been bad mouthing me, and you never thought, oh let me tell my girlfriend about this," I feel myself tearing up..

"of course I did," he takes a step towards me but I take on back and shake my head.

"have you been entertaining it? Have you been flirting with her back?" I ask. My mind flying with millions of questions right now.

"no of course not princessa, I ended it as soon as she started but then she would just keep coming back and I didn't know what to do. So I thought maybe if I flirted back she would leave but she didn't and-" I scoff because there's no way both of them have made me feel and look bad when they have been doing this.

"and you left me clueless. Instead of telling me you flirted back," My voice breaks. I can't believe it, that him out of all people hurt me like this.

"I wanted to tell you, I did," he tries to make excuses up but I don't want to hear them. I look dumb  now because I'm crying over this stupid guy.

"but you didn't, you wanted me to be the bad guy. You wanted it to seem like it was all my fault because you were too much of a coward to tell her yourself that you didn't like her. You always want to make yourself the good guy Pedri because nothing is ever your fault is it? It always has to be someone else's." I get up and walk off.

"Tabi let me explain," he calls out but I'm so over this.

i  got my maths test back and i got 70% i'm so happy!! i honestly thought  failed it was so hard.

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy, hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

was it worth the fame- pedri gonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now