veinte y uno

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The next day

"come to my training?" Pedri asks me coming down the stairs with his bag.

"no I can't do that," I say.

"please you like me now its a new milestone so you have to." He hugs me.

"that would be so embarrassing," I shake my head.

"Adella will be there aswell," he adds.

"give me twenty minutes," he laughs as I run upstairs and get ready.

30 minutes later

"I'm gonna be late." He calls from downstairs.

"I'm almost finished," I shout at him.

"I'm gonna get in trouble." He says.

I run downstairs and kiss him, "I'm ready" 

"took you a while." He smiles at me and he drives us to his training ground. I see Adella and go and sit down next to her giving her a massive hug.

"what's making you so happy?" She asks.

"yesterday obviously we had our date and I told him I liked him." I say really quick i'm so excited to tell her because I know she'll understand.

"YOU LIKE HIM!!!!" She squeals.

"Adella." Pablo calls out at her.

"sorry," she apologizes.

"yeah I don't really know when I realized but yeah, I admitted it," I'm staring at him laughing with the boys. I never thought it would get to this point but i'm happy it has.

"yes, yes! I knew it was gonna happen and soon he's gonna ask you to be his girlfriend," I laugh excitedly.

"I really want him too." He waves at me from where he's standing.

Adella nudges me laughing, "aww that's so cute, I remember when I felt this way about Pablo."

"I love this feeling I've got so many butterflies, I never thought I was gonna see him again yet alone get this close to getting back together with him." I turn my attention back to her.

"ahh!" she whisper shouts I turn bright red and hide my face in my hands.

Pedri's POV

"she likes me lads," I tell them proudly.

"no way," Joao says shocked. Is it really that shocking?

"yep, she told me on the date yesterday." I grab a ball and we start passing it to each other.

"congrats man," Pablo says.

"I'm gonna ask her to be official on Friday." It's the perfect time, she likes me so she has no reason to say no and it's not like we just met we've known each other for so long. We're a power couple we've always been one.

"I'm gonna help set everything up," Joao wipes the sweat off his head.

"me too," Pablo interrupts.

"thanks boys,"  I tell them.

"I better be the best man," Joao says.

"nah its gonna be me," I roll my eyes.

"no me obviously," Joao argues.

"nah never," I kick the ball at Pablo's head.

"it's gonna be none of you if you don't shut up." I look over at Tabi and Adella is hugging her. She definitely told her about it and I'm so happy she has a best friend to talk to everything about.

"oi princessa," Tabi turns her attention to me.

"this one's for you," I take a shot and score top right corner.

She shouts, "YES MI AMOR THAT'S MY MAN!" She starts laughing with Adella and I start laughing with the guys.

"I love her so much." My eyes are literally glued to her I can't seem to look away.

"no way I didn't know," Joao says sarcastically, I roll my eyes at him.

I run up to her and kiss her, "your man ay?" I joke.

"you are whether you like it or not," she winks at me.

"I love you so much you know that," I tell her.

"no you've never told me that before" We laugh

"well now I have," I kiss her. I'll never get enough of her smile and her hair and her eyes and her laugh and just everything about her.

"Pedri training isn't over yet." Xavi calls out to me.

"I'm taking you out tonight." I tell her waving Xavi off.

"can't wait." She kisses me and turns my body around pushing me back to the boys.

After practice Xavi walks up to me, "Pedri can I talk to you?"

"sure." We walk into his office in silence and I close the door behind me.

"I see you obviously love this girl a lot and its causing a lot of press but I don't care about your love life, is she gonna be a distraction? Because you are such a good player and I wouldn't want her to affect your playing." He looks at me strictly.

"trust me coach at first I thought she was gonna be but I know now that she's not and she makes me want to play ten times harder and bette,r" I tell him.

"that's all I need have a good day." He takes a seat at his desk. 

"you too sir," I walk out his office and see Tabi in the corridor. She looks up at me with worry in her eyes.

"you didn't get in trouble because of me did you? Because if you did I'm sorry this is my first time here I didn't know how to act I won't come agai-" I kiss her cutting her off.

"it's fine princessa, he just wanted to make sure you weren't gonna be a distraction and I told him you weren't I'm not making that mistake again." We walk towards the car park.

I put my arm round her shoulders, "you are defintely coming back again."

i haven't proof read i've got no time but i thought you guys deserved a chapter so yeah.

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy, hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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