I ➺ information ᡣ𐭩

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hello everyone.. 🤔
(if yk me, pretend you don't bb 😮‍💨)

anyways HELLO! welcome. my name is genesis, and i enjoy hazbin 🙃
and you probably do too 🤷‍♀️ that's why you're here..probably.. 😘

yeah but i've been going heavily back and forth on whether or not i should make this book or not, and i decided....why not lol, i'm bored and i want something to write about, IM BORED 😞..

i know i have other books to catch up on but still, i cant stick on one thing forever, especially when i get bored of it, so i gotta do what i gotta do 😮‍💨

anywayyy, here's some of my rules.

1: probably no lemons...
many some nsfw..but not anything that would lead to...sex 😦😱😓
yeah i just don't like it 🫡

2: y/n is gonna be non binary.
so anyone reading can just insert their pronouns! i'm simply using they/them, 1 because i wanna try to be more exclusive, but 2 because i don't wanna mess up a characters canon sexuality 😥🙏

3: i'm gonna mainly focus on the guy characters 😭
that characters im most interested in is alastor, lucifer, adam, and husk, i also like sir pentious and vox but not as much, so just a heads up THESE are the ones i'm gonna write of mostly 😞
(pretty sure alastor is aroace however..
still, i think i'm gonna end up writing
with him, he's just such a fun character
to me, i'm sorry if that bothers anyone,
forgive me boo-boo bear, im sorry😔🙏)

i think that's actually it 😺

nice and simple, i don't know what else to say, so without a furtherrrr adooo....ENJOY BABES 😻

(btw requests can be made on any chapter! i prefer this chapter though so i can have it organized..and specifically on THIS comment as well, but i don't mind anywhere tbh 😋)

💋- 💋 - 💋

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