IX ➺ alastor : "needy." ᡣ𐭩

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[ a/n : the title 'needy' probably sounds a little inappropriate but i promise it's not 😭 at least not sexually but i don't wanna give away too much.. 😓 also this chapter kind of goes off the alastors scenario's as well, like how y/n is trying to redeem themselves and such 🤷‍♀️ ]

 😓 also this chapter kind of goes off the alastors scenario's as well, like how y/n is trying to redeem themselves and such 🤷‍♀️ ]

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[ also let's say sir pentious hasn't joined yet 😭 ]

[ y/n's pov ]

i groan as i held my torso. demons may not be able to die by other demons, but they can sure as hell hurt them. i didn't even really seeing it coming. it's the first time i've been out of the hotel for a while now and i got reminded of how truly cruel this place is, just makes me wanna get out of here quicker.

i try my best to get back to the hotel in the most lowkey way i could. i didn't want any other demon to see me hurt, i don't know anyone's intentions, and if they're down here in hell..it's probably not for something good.

i pass by demons, trying to keep the sharpest- almost intimidating blank face i could. while trying not to hold onto my painful injury to give away some sort of weakness. but just by doing these 'simple' actions was already a heavy workout. i could feel the sweat build to my face as i could almost throw up.

yet i see the hotel at the top of the hill.

almost there.

getting up the hill was a hassle, but at least no other demons were around me anymore.

now that i took notice of my loneliness i didn't hesitate to bring my hands to squeeze at the injury on my waist.

the worriedly-panicked yet concentrated expression on my face could give any demon a heads up that i'm in some sort of distress.
but i'm almost at the door now.
i slowly reach out a shaky hand, twisting the knob to the door of the hazbin hotel.

it was a struggle, but i shoved it open, and i saw everybody gathered around hanging in the main entrance. all their eyes shifted to me. as i left the door open and drowsily took a couple steps forward...i face planted onto the ground.
but hey...at least i'm in the hands of my friends here in the hotel..and not demons on the streets...i'd rather sleep here..than anything...else. . . 💤 (sleep bae 😘)

[ second person pov ]

"oh my god?!" charlie exclaimed, panicked over the sight of your unconscious body.

"what the hell??" husk leaned over the bar to get a better look, as he was stunned as well.

charlie ran over to aid you as vaggie ran to close the hotels main entrance door. nifty also worriedly leaned over you, which is kinda heartwarming considering this girls crazy demeanor.

angel wasn't best friends with you or whatever but there was still confusion and shock in his face while him and husky switched glances at each other, wondering and maybe even worried for your well being.. . .

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