X ➺ angel & velvette catch up ᡣ𐭩

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( a/n : can you guys see the pictures i add to some of these chapters? 😭 this one doesn't have a photo (none of the scenarios do) but the oneshots of the specific characters have their own photos and i was wondering you guys can see it because i'm convinced you can't, when i view in reader i cant see them, so i wanna ask you guys 🙁🙏 ]
updated a/n ⚠️ - i changed where i placed my images so it's visible to y'all 😮‍💨

their first impression on you?:


• how he met you was that fat nuggets accidentally escaped and was running through the streets. angel chased desperately at his pig PRAYING nothing bad would happen to his sweetie pie piggy (😭) and that's when you quickly grabbed the pig off the streets.
• at first angel's impression was fear and rage, even though you didn't look like you had bad intentions..you were a demon on the street holding his pig..so he tackled you trying to get fat nuggets away from you.
• you quickly hand the pig over in fright due to his violent actions.
• you apologized worriedly, trying not to create an enemy with someone..until you realized you actually recognized this man as the famous porn star, then you REALLY didn't wanna make an enemy of him.
• you did get star struck when you figure it was him, blurting his name out on accident.
• when he realized you had no ill intent and actually even helped him out..+ you did recognize him. he briefly apologized, he did feel kinda bad too.
• annddd he thanked you for saving dear ol' fat nuggets. he was more focused on that than anything.
• his first impression was negative at the very beginning but then he quickly lightened up. first impressions becoming positive enough to the point where he happily thanked you! 😘


• she met you from a simple walk on the streets. but when she interacted with you it was like an online interaction 😭.
• she hastily approached you, telling you how pretty/handsome you were. she NEEDED you to be a model for her.
• whether it took a while of convincing you or not..you ended up coming with her after a period of time. it could've been right on the streets where she greeted you was when you followed her. or she gave you her number and you ended up calling later.
• her first impressions on you were very admiring of your looks. she thought you were BORN for the job. and she had to have you work for her.

when & why do they gain feelings?:


• you two kept awkwardly somehow running into each other 💀.
• you guys kept bumping into each other to a point where he saw you daily when he was out, and he started considering you as a friend and even asked to hang out because he liked your look/style/personality, honestly he enjoyed it all and wouldn't mind being a friend of yours. i mean you two DID see each other around a lot..you guys were already friends even if he never asked to hang out..cause that's how much you two hunggg outttt 🤷‍♀️.
• it took him a while to gain feelings. i mean he has been with many many people so it's tough for him to actually fall inlove.
• he gained feelings because he felt like you genuinely understood him. he could actually be himself, it was nice.
• his normal flirting with you once he started liking you became not so normal. it was a lot more charming, and a lot less sexual even. though he did sometimes slip those to you too 😭.


• she found you HOT in the clothes she had you wear.
• you being in a style she enjoyed just fueled feelings for you.
• it didn't take forever for her to start liking you but it wasn't quick either.
• she was pretty chill about her feelings too, though she did focus her feelings on you more and paid a ton more attention to you.
• whenever she saw you, she'd giggle, give her squint-eye ^v^ kinda smile, but be able to keep her composure around you.

annoying things they/you do:


this he does:
• sometimes his sexual flirting can be annoying. his teasing and actions are fun at first but it maybe can be irritating later on, especially if you aren't into sexual kinda stuff. but you never lash out at him, you know he can be way more annoying. and tbh he isn't that bad actually, this is really it.
• since he's very real with you after a while. he's a lot less annoying.
things you do:
• sometimes you don't get when he's joking, which bothers him at times.
• you also don't annoy him much either however.
honestly you two are a good mix. ♥️


things she does:
• her constant trying to get you to wear something new can be annoying. though she's able to get you changed into a new pair of clothes very quickly doesn't mean it's not sometimes irritating.
• her diva behavior isn't annoying till you're around the snarky side of it though. it's frustrating, but hey- this is hell, and you both are demons, which means you both aren't perfect. so you don't mind her behavior as long as it doesn't go on for what feels like EVEERRR.
things you do:
• she believes that you (at times) don't respect her. which is untrue, but she sees tiny behavior of you and begins to believe thst you don't like and respect her, which bothers her. 1 because she wants respect, and 2 is because she likes you, and she doesn't want someone she likes to not respect her.
• you don't do much either however.
also another qt pie couple mwah 😘!

hoped yalll likeddddd 😼🙏🙏🙏

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