III ➺ when & why do they gain feelings? ᡣ𐭩

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[ again, no a/n needed at all, just enjoy 😘 ]

[ VOX ]

• honestly he started to like you pretty quickly, but he never told anyone..well..he did let it accidentally slip to valentino, but he promised not to tell.
• he thought it was very strange he liked you, it's not like it was a judge deal and stuff..just..why?..
• well, frankly he just loved your compliments and how much you helped him out, but the more and more you're around he just started to like you in general.
• he started liking your humor, the way you talked, the way you acted, he started imitating you as well, and he never even noticed he'd be doing it.
• when someone would point it out, he'd deny it, but at night...when he's sleeping...he slowly begins to realize...he gots a crush 😈


• he gained feelings quickly, it's not surprising since he'd been lonely for seven long years. he knows it's time to move on, and when he started liking you he embraced it, much rather choosing to be happy then dwell on being lonely.
• he started getting over his 7 year absent wife (finally bae 🥰😍).
• he started liking you because you were so kind to him, and you actually spent time with him and didn't be a maid just to get paid (i'm a rhyming god lowkey 🙏).
• he loved how officiant you were as well, admiring that alsooo.


• he was a little taken aback when he started catching feelings for you, he'd never guess he'd actually love someone, so he just ignored his feelings. even though he was aware, he acted like it was nothing.
• it did take him a while to gain feelings though, he mainly was attracted to your personality and how determined you were to better yourself.
• though he kept his feelings quiet he did show attention to you like try to positively influence you to be better. which even then stunned him thst he was doing this, he loved seeing demons fail at trying to get better..so why is he ACTUALLY trying?
• he'd compliment you often and defend you to, yet he was so casual about it that it seemed normal for him to act that way, but some others like angel and husk caught on that his behavior is very strange and out of character 🤔🤔


• he started liking you quickly as well, but not right off the bat, it did take a little while.
• but once he did start liking you, he'd get shy, and always as charlie about 'assistance' with his feelings.
• and he's very kind, lovely dovey towards you, to a point where it's very sugary sweet, and it makes angel wanna throw up.
• he's always tying to make you laugh and do entertaining things that would also make you impressed by him.
• WHY he started liking you was because of how sweet you were towards him. and how it felt like a new start meeting you because he met all the other people in the hotel before hand and he didn't make a good first impression. with YOU though it feels fresh and he loves it. (ILY BRO 😭)

[ ADAM ]

• he ALSO started liking you quickly, he thought you were hot and that's all he needed, he begin to not even think of other angel's attractiveness, he would just start looking for you at any point.
• he liked you cause 1. you were HOT. (obvi 😛) and 2. your unintentionally funny to him. maybe it's cause you're just dumb and the things you say are stupid, but you'll say something so genuine and he'll burst out laughing from it. oh! and also 3. your hot babe 😘.
• he wants you around so much to an annoying extent.
• he loves saying out of pocket things to see how you'd react, that's another thing he loves about you, he loves the stupid ways you react to his words.

[ HUSK ]

• it did take him some time to catch feelings, but when he did he was pretty good at hiding it. he's casual and that's all he needs to be to not give much of it away.
• he likes you because of how relaxed you are, and how he doesn't need to worry about you, because he knows you're smart enough to not do dumb things.
• he literally spends his time thinking of conversation starters for you and him, so he can have fun things to chat about.
• he enjoys your go with the flow energy, and how you can control yourself with a couple of drinks (he admires that ability) and if you don't drink he admires that even more.

woo 😲👏 hoped you guys enjoyed 😮‍💨😮‍💨


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