VIII ➺ annoying things you/they do ᡣ𐭩

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[ a/n!! 😋😋 ]

[ VOX ]

things he does:
• he's overly confident, he acts like he's high and mighty and DEMANDS respect. whenever someone puts him in his place he sulks and cries about it (skill issue bae 🫦)
• literally always touching you, not sexually 😭 but he doesn't care much for boundaries, and since he doesn't he thinks you don't either! yayy! he'll do things like wrap his arm around your shoulder, hug you, maybe even pick you up, just for fun. but it can be annoying sometimes, especially if you don't like touch.
• he gets very defensive, if you question him he GOTTA shut you down right away, other wise he'll feel dumb, which can obviously get pretty annoying.
things you do:
• sometimes you think it's funny to question him JUST so he can get defensive, it annoys him which causes him to get even more annoyingly defensive so it's just a back and forth 🤷‍♀️.
• you don't compliment him. of course this isn't an annoying thing in general but HE finds it annoying, duh! 😒 if he realizes you haven't been complimenting him or praising him lately then the next time he sees you could've said something but didn't he'll be like "uhm, aren't you forgetting to say something? 🙄" he's a goof.


things he does:
• needs some sort of attention, he craves for it 😈. which can definitely be annoying, when he spots you not doing something that gives him attention he'll dramatically sigh and slouch around.
• he doesn't take things very seriously, and that can be annoying when you're trying to put a serious point across. like when you're trying to help him and get him out and about but he thinks it's all a joke 😞.
things you do:
• ermmmm..not give him attention 🙄 !!!
• he hates when you get serious but he gets annoyed when you don't pay attention to him, which is hard to manage around. 😮‍💨
• but honestly you aren't annoying, at least to him 🤷‍♀️.


things he does:
• he discards a lot of things you say, and he doesn't care then he makes it present that what you say isn't important. by personal experience that is INCREDIBLY annoying 😭.
• jokes around sometimes too much, in the wrong situations. he does it on purpose of course and yes it is annoying.
• scares you sometimes just to see how you react. he gets a huge laugh out of it but some days his 'little' cares make you tremble💀🙏. (bro is NOT funny wit that 🙅‍♀️)
things you do:
• tbh you aren't that annoying to him. if he's able to catch feelings for you it's most likely he doesn't find you annoying, he wouldn't fall for someone that bother him.
• (but i don't wanna leave your part blank so i'll add one thing)
• sometimes you don't acknowledge things he offers to you, and you don't necessarily do it on purpose. at the moment you could just not hear him or you'll be busy. but that definitely ticks him off, he wants you to him him bae 🫦.


• he's awkward especially when it comes to you cause he likes you! so even though he doesn't intentionally try to be annoying, his shyness sometimes bring out bothersome traits.
• he tries to get your attention and once he does he gets to nervous and ends up most likely wasting your time. and though you try to be nice it can be mildly annoying.
• because he wants your attention he also gets in your way a lot, you wouldn't mind it so much if he didn't waste your time because he couldn't bring himself to say it. you do feel bad for him but it does tick you off when he gets in your way just to tell you something he already said a moment before.
him: "heyy y/nn..hhoww are you? 😅😁"
you: "i'm fine, ☺️ thanks, hah," *walks away*
him: *gets your attention again* "y/nn..."
you: "what?"
him: "...howw aarre youu?.."
you: "..good.. 😕"
him: 🥲
😭 anyways, things you do:
• just like alastor's one you also don't annoy him at all, he likes you too much to find any bothersome traits.
• it does make him sad and a little bothered though that you get uncomfortable when he keeps trying to talk to you but messes up badly. he feels so stupid and he just wishes you don't see him as a fool 😞.

[ ADAM ]

things he does:
• he's annoying to a severe point, he thinks he's funny..but nah 🙅‍♀️🤷‍♀️.
• he also is touchy like vox, and his touchiness can he slightly inappropriate (never too far though) and its annoying.
• he kinda treats you like a ragdoll sometimes, i feel like he's the type of guy to not even say 'excuse me' and physically move you out the way 💀.
• he's snarky and pretty bitchy sometimes too 😭 he is gonna be annoying just with those traits, trust 🙏.
things you do:
• when he does something that makes you uncomfortable and he goes: "i'm just kidding! 🙄" but you're still awkward it annoys him, even though you obviously have the right to be iffy he gets bothered by it still.
• if you say something obvious he gets pretty snarky as well, it sucks cause sometimes you just wanna talk but he'll be like "wow, really???" which can go both ways, it annoys you and him 😕.

[ HUSK ]

things he does:
• he can give unnecessary comments that are just bothersome ( me lowkey 🗽)
• he's quite sarcastic and sometimes treat you dumb cause of the things you say, and it's annoying, you hate feeling stupid 😮‍💨.
• honestly he's a chill guy so he doesn't get that annoying but his attitude can just be a little stressful.
things you do:
• he feels like sometimes you treat him like he's stupid as well, that's why he gets sarcastic at times, but tbh you don't even mean to make him feel that way, you don't even think he's stupid at all! he just takes it the wrong way 🤷‍♀️.
•overall you also don't bother him.
none of them get bothered by you, they wouldn't like you if you bothered them. the annoying things you do are little 👏.
at least to them 😲.

[ anyywayyys, hopes ya-ya-y'all enjoyed 😼🕶️🤏 THATS RIGHT.
not only am i a rhyming god but i'm a remixer as well bae 🫦🙏 ]
i apologize 😭

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