XIV ➺ you get injured/killed. ᡣ𐭩

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pov: it's the extermination, you got hurt/killed (doing both scenarios) and they found you..how do they react?
(yes i am doing adam too but his one will be a little special 😋🫡)
[ VOX ]

you're injured:
• he's pissed, (to the angel who hurt you) but he doesn't really know how to help you.
• he wants to help but he sucks at it, and uses humor mainly to try and distract you but it's reallyyy not the moment smh.
• he wraps you in an excessive amount of bandages and talks to himself as if you are deaf, so you hear him but he's not really focused and aware on that.
• he's like : "f*cking b*tch what do you do??" (he's not calling u that he's just swearing 😭) and you just awkwardly stare at him like : 😕.
you're killed:
• bro is DEVASTATED 🙏.
• he gets very depressed and emotional and gets very bitchy when someone tries to comfort him.
• he buffers a lot while grieving and eventually turns off for a while, but when he's back on he's not really feeling better.
• when he's on the news he's very direct and not as silly as he usually is, he becomes boring and unenthusiastic.
• "top of the morning, 😐 welcome back 😒" that's how he be acting.


you're hurt:
• he's a manic man, what can i say 🤷‍♀️.
• "you're alright right?? yeah! you're fine! nothings wrong!" he'll say this kind of stuff to distract himself from worrying, focusing on you being fine so he doesn't panic even more 😭.
• he's usually always nearby, but now he's right by yourself till he's definitely sure you'll be alright and he'll let you rest, but even then he comes back to sleep near you with some duck he brought.
• when you're better he'll be like "ah! 😄 i knew it- i said you were fine! 😁😁" very cheery. but he's glad you're alright.
you're killed:
• ruh roh... 😟
• he's lost a lot but that doesn't stop him from being less emotional.
• "don't cry 🙂 don't cry! 😁...don't cry 😐..don't cry ☹️ don't cry- 😭 dontcrydontcrydontcry-😭😭" he's crying alright 🙏.
• depression took it personally when he said "take that depression" because it just shot him on sight bro.


you're injured:
• he's worried, but he's not too stressed out about it. once he figures you're alright he's then alright.
• if he knows who did it and knows they're still around then it's on sight 🙏 but if he doesn't he's not too focused on revenge and would rather just try and help you out.
• he's not around you much because he doesn't wanna see you in some suffering state but when he does come around he's there for a long while so you know that it's not like he doesn't care for you.
• once you're all better he says something corny like "hizaa!!" like a damn wizard 🧙‍♀️
youre killed:
• he acts to be unbothered around people because he's not trying to let them know how he feels, but once he's alone he has time to think and it really dawns on him of the situation.
• maybe even is iconic smile falls, but momentarily, he doesn't let it flatten for long ☝️‼️
• he doesn't exactly cry because he has his own way to grief, in fact it's kinda worse because instead of crying he just sits and thinks about the good times, and he's just reminded you're not even there (so sad)


you're injured:
• he's nonetheless extremely worried and stays by your side.
• he trusts charlie to help you because although he's an inventor he's not very good under the pressure of trying to help you. he just towers over charlie's shoulder and watches her.
• bros a little panicked 🙏 (by a little i mean: he's walking..or slithering..in circles almost every second. he'll randomly break down, starting to hyperventilate. he'll dramatically sob while laying at your side like one of those crying girls grieving on a bed in a french painting. he's fully prepared for the worse and thinks you'll die, so he acts like it could happen)
• however...you wake up! and it's hard to say he wasn't extremely happy about that.
• he's hugging you in a death grip, not even realizing he maybe is potentially hurting you. and he says "i knew it!!"...he did not know 🙏
you're killed:
• at first he doesn't know how to react, he's like: "i..😦...wha-..😧..huh?..😟" and then he's finally "😓😢😖😭" it's very sad 😞
• he's expressive, even though he's awkward he's not shy on crying. seeking charlie to help him grief 😭
• he cries till he falls asleep, and once he's up he's just tired, exhausted, and hurt, he's also quite quiet, nifty his confused on his behavior.
• there's really not much else to say other than he was a mess.

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