XVI ➺ you fall asleep on them ᡣ𐭩

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hey guys 😼, i'm gonna be adding spaces in between my • thingy's instead of having it be separated by a .
tell me if you prefer it this way! i bet it'd probably be easier in the eyes 😭...anyways 🌚

[ you're tired...you're sitting on a couch but you're not really paying attention to your surroundings...and eventually you fall asleep, landing on something but you weren't conscious enough to figure out what, and you didn't really mind what it could possibly be. you assume it's an inanimate object..buttttttt...!! -that's not the cause! 😋 ]
[ VOX ]

• he's very tense. he makes it A LOTTT more awkward then it needs to be for him 😭

• he's gripping onto his pants, he's sweating (kinda, idk how he'd sweat 😭) he's STIFF...i know this sounds dirty lmao but i'm struggling to describe it another way 😔. I DONT MEAN IT DIRTY WISE.

• he's just anxious about it, but he soon keeps his cool. after a minute or two he's just glancing around the room weirdly. then he decides to just let it be.

• he'd probably do something like scroll on his phone because he doesn't wanna move anymore. but if he did fall asleep, velvette would be the one to catch him, and she'd take a pic. she shouldn't post it anywhere but she'd keep it to herself and maybe even as black mail 😭

• if he did fall asleep he'd be snoring with his arms crossed and man spreading 😼, his head leaning back on the couch and he's just comfortable tbh 🤷‍♀️

• when you wake up..probably from his snoring..you were kinda startled seeing ANYONE next to you, especially vox. but when you come to terms with it you don't really mind. and since he's not leaning on you too much, you could probably get up without disturbing him. so do so if you want. or stay babe, yer darn choice 😘


• he would practically jump up in positivity..if you werent asleep on him.

• he tried to keep his cool too, but he sucks. and he's kinda corny 😭 squirming around, giggling to himself and muttering things like how awesome this moment is.

• he as the biggest grin ever, he probably looks stupid tbh. but bro can't help it 🙏

• if he isn't tired he'll just sit there tensely like he's not trying to make a move at all. but if he's tired he'll attempt to fall asleep as well, but it's take him a while to.

• when/if he falls asleep he's curled up on the couch with his legs loosely to his chest and his arms around his knees while leaning on you.

• when you wake up you felt pretty warm...you glance to your side and see him practically cuddling up to you. you feel kinda embarrassed, you were NOT expecting to see him there. but it's cute nonetheless, so you wait for him to wake up.


• he had noticed you getting tired and also that you weren't really aware of him being next to you. he figured you will fall asleep soon and him choosing to sit next to you is a sign he doesn't mind if you slept on him. he's smart enough to realize it's a possibility and if he didn't like it he'd get up and leave.

• when you did eventually lean onto him, he was quite SMUG about it. he's a smarty pants.

• he probably laughed quietly about it, like making a: "hm hm hm," laugh. (basically a hummed laugh ig 😭)

• he sits there tall and mighty and doesn't really care how long it would take you to wake up. if he does get bored he'll get a book. and i cant see him falling asleep at all..BUT IF HE DID..

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