V ➺ lucifer : the garden ᡣ𐭩

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[ a/n : like in the scenarios, y/n is one of the maids but this isn't going off the scenarios 😭 ]

[ a/n : like in the scenarios, y/n is one of the maids but this isn't going off the scenarios 😭 ]

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he's such a babe 😘

[ 2nd person pov ]

he's always in his room, you rarely ever see him, and you're one of his personal maids! you know he's having a tough time, it makes you wanna do something about it..but frankly..you really don't even know what to do anymore.

you've tried loads of things, nothing ever works..well, expect for one thing, and even then sometimes that plan fails as well.

the garden.

sometimes, you invite lucifer to his own garden, it's such a lovely place, even in a place like hell the garden is oddly angelic.
on some casual days where you catch on that he's in a better mood, you knock on his door and ask him to come to the garden, and some days he actually does come out and hangs out with you in the garden.

you can tell he really appreciates your care for him, none of his other maids really try to even start a simple conversation with the man, they just want to get paid. in a way, you understand their motive, but it also makes you feel sympathetic for the king.

so today was one of those days, you were going to ask him to accompany you to the garden.

[ y/n's pov ]

i knocked on his door briefly, putting my ear against it to try and hear better.

"who is it?" a voice speaks from the other side of the door.

"it's y/n, your majesty..i was wondering if you'd like to come to the garden today? it's quite lovely, especially for the season," i smiled, although he couldn't see it, i bet he could hear it by my tone of voice.

there was no immediate response.

i waited patiently.

. . .

"..alright," his soft tone was barely audible, but i had heard him clearly, and i felt victorious on the fact he agreed. i had asked him last week and he declined, so i was pretty pleased to hear this from him.

with that, i didn't need to speak any more words, i took a step back, and waited by the door.

maybe a minute passed, when the door creaked open.

his head peaked out, he paused and blinked, waiting for a moment, a wide grin appeared on his face.

"well what are we waiting for!" he laughs, very cheerfully, "let's go!" he determinedly spoke as he shut his door, walking beside me as i nodded with a grin.

"of course," i chuckled, hearing his snickering was amusing, i was glad to see him happy.
but it's also kind of strange. i can tell, even though he's smiling at me, he seems very tired, and very exhausted, maybe even emotional.
i don't bring it up, however.
i'd rather enjoy enjoy this moment, im pleased hes at least out the room.

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