II ➺ their first impressions on you? ᡣ𐭩

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[ a/n: y/n is gonna be nice demon/angel (depending on character) 😭 idk how to make a mean y/n. anyways enjoy tho babes 😘😘 ]

[ VOX ]

• at first he didn't think much of you by appearance, he just thought of you as another demon in the crowd.
• you were hired to work for him and help him with his news but controlling things like the mic and camera, it depended.
• when he started to get to know you and what you could bring to the table that would benefit him he became a lot more interested.
• he started to easily become impressed by you but acted 'nonchalant' about it, or HIS way of being 'nonchalant'.
• he'd get mocked by valentino and sometimes even velvette because it's obvious he's interested by you.
• he started trying to impress you so that he could pride over the compliments you gave him, because he started to care a lot about what you'd say and think about.
• he think he slick 😒 in reality it's quite obvious that he kind of favors you, and he denies it by saying "i barely even know them!" and laughs his ass off about it..he's a pretty bad liar though.


• you were a new maid of his
• he had thoughts that you were actually quite pretty/handsome/attractive, but he never said it and usually he'd just briefly admire your presence.
• soon he becomes more comfortable around you by joking with you, because you're more of a personal maid for him and he's a lonely guy, he enjoys the chats.
• he gets annoyed when you aren't around, he really likes how nice you are to him, he's STARVED of attention like that and he gets all embarrassed when you show kindness, like: "oh, really? ☺️" "aw that's so sweet of youu! hahahaahah!....ha...uhuh-*cries*" bros letting his inner demons out. 🙏😞
• starts asking for your opinion quite a bit: "hey y/n what do you think of this?" "do you like it?"
• usually you respond with something nice but it makes you wonder why he cares about your opinion so much, sometimes you just wanna say: "sir..i'm your maid," but you can't bring yourself to accidentally break the man's spirit.


• you're a demon trying to redeem yourself, staying at the hotel.
• he found it hilarious and entertaining to see a demon try to get better, he was wondering when you'd fail and give up.
• he was actually quite surprised when he found out you were bettering yourself, it made him even more intrigued.
• he'd usually say comments towards you questioning your progress and sometimes even your existence to see how you'd react, he'd be very amused when he'd find you didn't care much of what he said.
• i guess he likes hard to get because whenever he'd come across you he'd strike up a conversation to get to know about how you're doing with your progress and just how you're doing in general.
• he actually started to believe you were gonna get to heaven, and for that his impression on you was positive, he oddly loved the fact you were so determined, probably because it really entertained him.


• you worked for charlie at the hotel when he came along, this time coming in peace ("✌️😓✌️")
• his VERY first thoughts were pretty positive of you because you worked with charlie he instantly assumed you were a good person.
• he always says hello to you WHENEVER he sees you, he'd gained a liking to you because of your sweetness towards him. the reason you were sweet was because you weren't present during any attacks he made on your friends/the hotel, so you didn't have any grudge against him that some others slightly held.
• he likes to rant to you about his inventions, he's kinda oblivious and he is honestly a nice guy, when he rants to you he seems so innocent so you can never turn it down.
• you really helped him through his time in the hotel, and for that he has a very positive attitude towards you, he likes you! (yayy 🥳 tbh i'd die of happiness if he liked me 😵 in a platonic way i mean..but i wouldn't mind romantic- 🤭😻)

[ ADAM ]

• he honestly quickly took notice of your appearance. "woah, hot babe." was all he really thought of and even then it was a joke to himself. he called almost anyone that was hot...hot, lmao.
• once he started to get to know you and get an impression of your personality he'd start demanding for you to be around him and get pissy if you weren't around. (jump 🥱)
• "where are they 😡.." (WHERE ARE YOU??..🎵)
• like the others he wants to know your opinion, however he's just simply curious about it and he won't take what you say to heart, but sometimes he does wonder about what you say, he's curious of your thought process. (i'm curious if his 💀)
• anddd just like the others he also thinks of you positively because you honestly didn't have a bad impression, but he doesn't think of you very highly like some of the others do.

[ HUSK ]

• you're friends with vaggie and sometimes come by the hotel to talk with her, there you meet everyone else, including the easily irritated bartender.
• tbh...he didn't think much when he saw you, he didn't gaf 😭.
• but when you started chatting with him he got used to you and it wasn't so bad, he didn't mind you much, he thought you were alright.
• one time you let him rant about how annoyed he was so he started just doing it often, you didn't care much though. seems like he didn't have anyone else to really share his feelings with and when people share their feelings it means they're comfortable..so you didn't mind really 🤷‍♀️.
• even though he'd complain to you quite a bit he'd also be curious about how you're doing, he seems to genuinely care the more you get to know him, even though he does it in a rude-ish manner.
• pretty soon you guys are buddy buddy and some days you come to the hotel to hang with him and not vaggie, he loves to crack jokes with you and his impression alsooo was a nice and positive one.
• yet unlike the others he didn't care much for your opinion, i mean not like he didn't care at all he just didn't seem to mind what you'd think.

[ finishedddd, this was funnn lol, hope you guys liked my first chapter 💋 ]

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