XI ➺ whats it like dating them? ᡣ𐭩

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you're dating them...what's it like?
[ VOX ]

• says the most out of pocket things to exist. like: "i'm so hard right now 😼," out of nowhere 🤯.
• he's a touchy guy, he touches people (not sexually 🤨) even if it's clear they don't want it, but he doesn't really see that. so expect something like sudden hugs, holding hands, and picking up.
• he likes to dance with you, any kind of dance.
• off topic but i feel like he's the type of guy that if someone said "can you break it down for me?" he'd actually start breaking dancing 💀.
he's not really the type to get flustered but he does get embarrassed, and when he does get flustered he crashes and buffers 😭


• he's such a sweetie pie 😋.
• you hang out in his room a lot (not for weird purposes 🤨😔). nobody really enters his room especially if they don't have permission so he feels that when he has a person he feels safe with and a room he feels safe in he just HAS to combined the things.
• many dinner dates 🤔.
• he gifts you rubber ducks. even if you don't realize it—these gifts are really important he would not give you a gift if he didn't feel a way for you..especially his rubber ducks 😐 keep it safe bae 😞.
he hangs around you a lot, he doesn't wanna be alone he hatessss it. so keep him company 😘.


• i'm not even sure how you guys even started dating, neither of you guys even asked "will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner?" it just happened. but you both have this internal agreement that you are dating.
• if you're dating alastor you are a lucky duck 😲!! because 1 it's surprising that he'd even date somebody and 2 because he is an absolute gentleman 😍.
• he definitely treats you with much respect, he's not very controlling of you and he does 'worry' for your well being a lot but he doesn't show it how people typically would.
• he's not very touchy though, the way he shows his love is by giving compliments, acts of services, and sometimes giving gifts. though he doesn't hate touch he'd rather be the one initiating it.
• the relationship is secreted because if it ever got out then you'd either have many people after you, or people avoiding you because of him, maybe even both! 😲


• he is SUCH. a sweetie pie. but he's so awkward about it 😭.
• the relationship first started with "i got you __...because i got EVERYONE __!!" because he was so embarrassed that's his way to 'calm down' (ig 😭🤷‍♀️) but later in the relationship he feels less nervous and he doesn't pull that phase anymore, even though it was definitely cutee.
• he likes the cheesy couple things other than nicknames because he thinks your name is already cute enough 😘.
• he likes to feel like the big man in the relationship even though he is extremely awkward, he wants to be the one you go to for protection and such. he feels a little insecure that he might be too nervous to defend you. he doesn't realize that he doesn't need to be very brave to be by your side....even though he IS very brave (rip him, he's in heaven tho 🙏)
• gets flustered easily, no matter how far the relationship has gone, he can't help but giggle, flush, wag his snack tail (😭?), slither his tongue, grip his hat/outfit, etc.

[ ADAM ]

• 100% seems like a corny frat boy to me where he thinks he got flirting skills but he's just humiliating himself.
• hed have this bad boy persona but in reality he just wants the attention from you 😭.
• he'd give inappropriate gifts 😟 probably 🤷‍♀️ and he thinks it's very funny.
• he has this insecurity where you might leave him, so even though he does SO many things that could and maybe would drive you away he worries that you'll up and leave.
• he likes to sing to you, personally i like to think he's a horrible singer but he did sing s pretty good song in the series so.. 😞 but whether he sucks or not he loves to do karaoke, sometimes he even purposely sings horribly. it's just fun 🤭.

[ HUSK ]

• free drinks babe 😘 if you don't drink then he's fine with that, you can always sit at his bar and you two can yap and tell fun stories together to pass the time.
• he likes going out with you. his life is kinda miserable but he enjoys his free time and he sometimes doesn't wanna be alone during those times so he invites you along, even though he makes it seem like it would be your idea 😒.
• defensive of you, not saying that the rest of these guys aren't but he is always on your side and he'd beat up anyone for you (ALSO not saying the others wouldnt but husk would ESPECIALLY.)
• he's a soft cat hybrid thing 🤷‍♀️ he's comfortable so he's gotta expect you to want to hug him and such. though he acts bother by it he actually doesn't mind. some times he enjoys it.
• also likes to sing for you, but he is so good at it it's insane, he has a soothing relaxing voice. i'd listen to it forever honestly 🫠.


• when he starts dating you he becomes more closed off to everyone with his body, except for valentino because he really can't..he doesn't offer sex anymore randomly on the street like he used to..even for money! 🤯
• he likes to touch and hold you a lot (not like that...🤨) everything in his life is about sex he wants a break while still feeling touch from someone, so he's got you babe 🫦.
• he allows you to watch fat nuggets with his full trust 😎 he'll leave you guys alone and won't worry.
• he's very teasing though, if he figures something embarrassing about you and you aren't heavily insecure about it he'll always find a way to bring it up... 😟.
• his love language is probably them all. words of affirmation, acts of service, giving gifts, quality time, and ESPECIALLY physical touch.


• she takes SO many pictures of you it's actually a little insane.
• she's very cheeky and goofy, she has a diva fun attitude that you'd never get bored of and you don't have to worry about relaxation because she also knows how to be calm when the time calls 🤯🤯 she's good at everything bro.
• loves giving gifts, especially clothing to you, she has full on fashion shows just about you and only she sees them.
• posts you on her socials, but she doesn't post any corny things she usually just has you in a photo with her or the other vee's. she doesn't wanna let everyone know that you guys are dating just incase her enemies come after you but she can't help but have SOME of you...and it doesn't hurt if you're just 'in the background'..right??
• when she's having down time and relaxing she is so peaceful to be around. she likes to give you massages and loves when you massage her head and play with her hair.

so silly 😋😋

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