IV ➺ alastor : butcher shop ᡣ𐭩

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[ blud think he a charmer 🙏...nuh-uh-uh.. ☝️☝️🤓 ]

[ no a/n needed bb, enjoy 😻👏 ]

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[ no a/n needed bb, enjoy 😻👏 ]

[ y/n's pov ]

i tap my finger nails again and again on the counter top, waiting for someone to enter the butcher shop.
a lot of people had come in today, but this is always the hour when there's barely anyone in the store..actually nobody is here at all.

i sigh, my eyes shifting around the room, i was expecting a certain someone to walk through the door any minute.


he's an overlord, and he comes here often, and he always happens to come at the least busiest hour, so i couldn't help but wonder when he'd walk through the door. he was a regular after all, and this is the perfect time, nobody's here, and i assume that's how he likes it-

i heard the door bell ring.

i turned my head swiftly, expecting the red dear demon, but i made eyes with a boar type of demon. i've never seen this guy around before, guess it's his first time in the shop. he's very big however and he has a wife beater on, with stains, and black jeans with a brown belt holding it together. he had quite a nasty expression.

"what?." he snarled, seeming to not enjoy my eyes lingering over him, but that's simply because i was curious.

"oh, sorry. my bad," i mumbled, looking away from him as i went back to randomly staring around the room, he approached the counter as i lean my head on my hand, with my elbow resting in the counter.

"i want a steak." the boar demon demanded.

i pointed my finger to a freezer behind him with the steaks all piled up in it.

"pick the one you want and i'll cut it," i guided the new costumer, but he didn't seem to enjoy that so much. he growled as he walked towards the direction i pointed.

i sighed over the demons behavior, honestly a little disappointed as well, i was expecting the overlord to come in, not this guy. and to be honest i'm actually kind of scared of alastor, yet he's oddly nice towards me, which makes me wish he came in instead of this boar. because at least i'd get treated respectfully.

crazy how someone so powerful is more polite than someone so dirty.
but it also strangely makes sense.

i was caught out of my thoughts when a slam sound burst into my ears. my eyes widened for a split moment as i stared shockingly at the boar demon in front of me, his hand firmly slammed onto the counter, as he dropped the steak.

"cut it." he glared.

"now." he added, seeing that i was probably gonna take a moment.

"hm, okay, and will this be all?-"

"what do you think??." he quickly cut me off.

"jeez," i scoffed. "sorry sir, i'll get it cut right away," i hummed in a slightly mocking tone, as i grabbed the steak and walked to the counter behind me with a big butcher knife.

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