XII ➺ you wipe away their kiss ᡣ𐭩

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pov: they kissed you on your __ (i'll pick where for each different character) and you whip it away...how do they react?
[ VOX ]

• how dare you 😐.
• he kissed your temple...idk how he can kiss with that tv head but let's pretend!
• you didn't take it seriously so you just wiped it away not thinking much of it.
•you were about to move on with your life when you saw him GLARING at you. you were def confused.
• he got offended when you didn't even realize what you did, his eye twitching and everything and he has a huge frown on his face.
• you soon realize and as soon as you did you started laughing, which made him scowl more 😞.
• eventually he just became petty and left without giving you a second chance, it slightly broke your heart but you'd get one later and it was funny to see him do allat so it was worth it 🤷‍♀️.


• he kissed your cheek.
• out of reaction you just wiped it away with your shoulder, you didn't even have time to stop yourself.
• but as soon as you did it..YOU FROZE 😟.
• slowly turning to face him..he had the look of betrayal on his face—he was hurt to say the least.
• "Y/NNN? what did i EVER do to you 😭😭😠." bro starts tweaking 🙏.
• you nervously apologize though he makes it a big deal eventually he give you a second kiss and you ALMOST wiped it away again just out of habit but you stopped yourself 😭.
• he moved on with his life after that, like he did not just whine about that and this behavior is normal and amazing!! 😻 but i guess it's normal for him 😒.


• he kisses your hand as he was leaving to go somewhere.
• you subconsciously wiped it softly away on your pants. you didn't even realize you did it.
• his head snapped toward you with an amused smirk, but you still did not get what was up 😭.
• he laughs at your obliviousness, he doesn't take your move to heart..well he kind of did at first. he was ready to speak his mind for a moment, but then he realized you are just a little silly ☺️😼🫶.
• he leaves not giving a second kiss but when he came back later he mentioned what you did and you didn't even know till then, you apologized feeling stupid and he simply gave another kiss 😘.


• he kisses your forehead. you two were watching a movie together in the living space of the hotel while leaning onto each other on the couch. both you guys by yourselfs.
• he randomly gave you a kiss on your forehead, and you reacted with a smile but after a moment you wiped it away, still staring at the screen.
• you felt eyes on you...so you slowly turned your head to see his expression. he was staring wide eyed at you like 😟.
• yeeouch! you broke his heart babe 😓.
• very betrayed, he pouted.
• you felt bad, nervously laughing, you said sorry and kissed his cheek. which made him happy because the whole reason he acted like that was because he thought you didn't love him 😞

[ ADAM ]

• he kissed yer darn lips 😟, just a peck thooughh.
• he was so proud of himself at first, smirking and everything, but that's when he saw you wipe your lips with your arm..
• he got angrily offended, in the sassy kind of angry way, like: "😐😟😠‼️ are you kidding me??" he was frowny pants.
• he crossed his arms and everything, rolling his eyes, scoffing at any apology you gave, making a 'tch' sound when you gave up. HES A HATTERRRR.
• after a while his pettiness died down and he came back to you like nothing every happened and kissed you again but made SURE you didn't wipe it away ✋.

[ HUSK ]

• he kissed your cheek randomly while you two were alone at the bar. he just wanted to be amused by your reaction, he smirks awaiting 😼..
• honestly he expected many things...but not for you to wipe it away and continue your conversation like NOTHING every happened.
• he was shocked and offended fs 🙏🗣️‼️🐶
• becomes a little salty but he tries not to think about it (he thinks about it).
• if you apologize he then shrugs it off and doesn't care about it anymore.
• if you continue to just ignore it he questions it all, like why did you just do that bae 🤨🤨☺️.


• kisses yo lippsss 😘.
• when you wiped it away, he held his hand to his heart, furrowed his eyebrow, frowned, and gave the most confused, shocked, offended look possibly to exist.
• "oh wow JEEZ what did i ever do to you? 😠🙄" he says.
• honestly at first he didn't care but the more he manifested it he actually started to feel annoyed by it.
• you apologize and he's just like "whatever sugar 😒🙄🙄" but soon he just moves on.


• she your nose. she thought it'd be funny, amusing, maybe even cute. she doesn't normally do it but she just wanted to.
• her cheeky grin gets wiped away just how you wiped away her kiss.
• "UHK-.. don't ever talk to me 😐✋" -her.
• she's offended to say the least, and becomes 10x more a diva, but really she is a little hurt.
• it doesn't take you long to just say sorry and she instantly forgives you, acting like she never ever cared..and she was 'acting' (lies).
• but now she's cautious...she makes sure you don't ever wipe it away 😠.

the end 😘😘🙏🙏

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