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It's strange that one word can mean various things to various people. For a child, 'run' could mean tag. For a teen, run away. For an adult, chase-a-three-year-old around and tweak your knee.

For you, run means run. Run means leave. Run means 'don't get caught', 'don't get seen'. For you, run means survive.

It was two years ago when Taylor had pulled your face close to hers and had pressed a tender kiss to your lips. She had allowed you to taste her tears. "Go. Run. Find her," she had told you with a broken voice, her eyes welling with tears again.

She had just received a brutal blow by the beast which awaits upstairs. The thing had sunken its claw deep into Taylor's thigh, rendering her unable to walk.

You had shaken your head, had not even realised the tears that had started streaming down your cheeks as you'd taken her hands in yours and brought each up, brushing your lips gently against her knuckles. "I'll come back," you had insisted tearfully, "I'll come back for you. We — we'll live happily ever after, we'll get our happy ending, Taylor, we will."

She had nodded her head slightly. "Yes. I love you, Y/N, I love you."

"I love you, Tay. I'll come back, I swear."

You didn't. You couldn't. You physically couldn't — not when that goddamn beast had done everything in its power to make sure you were unable to reach your lover. You and Gia had run, you had run like your lives depended on it, which it did.

And when you had reached the niche in which you'd left Taylor, you and your daughter had been forced to watch as she was dragged away by the beast, unconscious and unaware. You had done everything to find her, to give her the one thing she had ever wanted; a happy ending.

But your efforts were in vain. They still are.

"Gamma couldn't find anything," answers Jo.

You sigh shakily. Gamma was a search drone you'd send into the mansion in search of your greatest love.

Three months later, you finally found something.

On the computer screen, Gamma's shaky, 90's style camera shows you a hallway lined with cells. The words, "She'll come back for us," fill your ears. You burst into tears as you finally hear Taylor's voice again, no matter how weak or raspy it is.

Determined to fulfil your promise to the only woman you'd ever loved, you head to the mansion with a few of your colleagues.

With a pounding chest and shallow breaths, you find the hallway cells.

You freeze as you see Taylor.

She's shackled to the wall, her arms are thin, much like the rest of her body, her right thigh now has a scar covering her wound.

You rush over and free her from the chains.

Her lips curve upward into a weak smile as you take her in your arms.

She collapses soon after, forcing you to kneel on the hardwood floor as she stares up at you with tired eyes.

"I knew you'd come back for me," she says softly.

Tears of relief stream down your cheek as you hold her hand tightly. "Yeah. Yeah, Tay, I-I came back. I'll always come back."

"I knew you'd save me," she continues, still smiling. "But there's nothing left to save. Not here. Not me."

Your heart drops into your stomach. "Wh-What?"

"Y-You can't fix what's unfixable, angel... and unfortunately, I'm unfixable."

"No. Taylor, no, we can do this, I-I need you to —"

She cuts you off, slowly shushing you. Her voice is calm and steady when she speaks. "It's okay. I knew that you'd come back to save me, angel, but I'm a goner. I'm not gonna live long anymore."

"No! Taylor, please!"

She squeezes your hand meekly. "I'm okay. I'm okay, angel. Shh..."

She brushes her thumb over your knuckles and gently kisses the back of your hand, salty tears streaming down onto your skin.

"I just wanted to see you one last time. Wanted to know you're okay..." She pauses, her breathing starting to slow. "How's Gia?"

You shake your head, sniffling. "No. No, I-I don't want you to die, Taylor. Please. We need you. I need you."

She chuckles softly. "I love you, angel. You and Gia are the best things that have ever happened to me. You made each day worth living. I'll be by your side for evermore, Y/N. I won't leave until you do. Be happy out there. Live your life. Forget about me. I'm just another page in the book of your life."

"But you're the one who — who..." You trail off, your voice listening in a sob.

She nods, smiling. "I know. Tell Gia Mama loves her. Please."

You gently raise her head up and place a delicate, soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you, Tay."

"I love you, Y/N."

Her eyes glass over. Her body goes limp. The steady rise and fall of her chest ceases. And Taylor no longer suffers, for all eternity.

You let out a deep sob, burying your head in the crook of her neck.

In another universe, you would've felt her arms wrapping around your waist. You would've felt her chin resting on your shoulder, and you would've heard her whisper in your ear.

"Thank you for allowing me to be part of your story, angel. Unfortunately it seems I've run out of pages."

I Know Places (Taylor Swift Imagines) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now