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"You'd be surprised at the lengths I'll go to to ensure your safety. You'd be surprised at how much I need you."

These are the words you wake up to, at two in the goddamn morning, with your wife's breath ghosting over your ear as she says them.

"Babe," you whisper to her as you give her a half-playful smack on the arm. "It is two in the morning. Go to bed."

Taylor chuckles, her breath dancing across your skin.

"Forgive me, my dear. I just couldn't resist the temptation to hold you close." She snuggles closer, her arm wrapping around your waist possessively. "After all, sleep is overrated when I can have your warmth instead.

"Babe," you whine, "I love your poetry, really, I do, but I don't understand a thing you're saying, I'm too sleepy."

Laughing softly, she peppers your neck with gentle kisses. "My apologies, sweetheart. Perhaps we can decipher my riddles in the morning. For now, let's focus on something more . . . tangible." She trails her hand down your side, fingertips grazing the curve of your hip.

"Talk like a normal person, I beg of you," you mumble, mind and vision too bleary to notice her very obvious move.

Taylor can't help but grin at your adorable sleepiness, too caught up in it now to continue to initiate sex. "Okay, okay. how about this, my love?" She leans in, her lips brushing against your cheek as she whispers, "You're so beautiful."

You chuckle lightly. "Mhm, thank you, baby."

She smiles against your skin, her heart swelling with affection."You're welcome, darling. Now, let's get some rest, shall we?"

"Mhm," you hum, eyes already shut.

She tugs you closer, tucking her head beneath the crook of your neck possessively. "Mine."

so sorry this was so short, I'm going through serious writer's block right now, and I've been trying to finish so many imagines for not just this book but my others as well. I hope you can all bear with me :/

Hugs and kisses,



I'm working on Guard Dog, I promise, I just keep writing and rewriting because I literally hate everything I write for that 😔 I'm also working on the second chapter for Ily, irml, so

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