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i can't stop writing smut it's so fun!! also!!! shoutout to Thea_1304 bc yes they comment so much like literally I love you. it's so easy to get a follow from me Istg 😭 just comment shit and poof ur my fave ANW!!!


You turn around. And your drink almost shoots out of your nose at the sight of Taylor Swift standing in front of you.

You’re unable to answer, your heart stuttering in your chest as a brilliant crimson blush makes its way up your cheeks.

Taylor smiles at you, making your knees go weak.

“Is this seat taken?” she asks, tilting her head adorably as she gestures to the barstool beside you.

It takes all your willpower not to let your jaw drop open as you shake your head. “I-it’s not.”

She smiles. “Awesome.”

And she moves to sit down beside you, ordering a Tequila Sunrise.

Then she turns to you, and, oh, those eyes. “I’m Taylor.”

You manage, somehow, to choke out a, “I-I’m Y/N”

“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” she says, her voice smooth and warm. She takes a sip of her drink, her gaze never leaving yours. “So, what brings you here tonight?”

You fumble for words, your mind racing. “Uh, just . . . taking a break. Needed to unwind.”

Taylor nods, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “I get that. Life can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, right?”

You nod, feeling a bit more at ease. “Yeah, exactly.”

For a moment, you both sip your drinks in a bit of a tense silence, the hum of the bar around you fading into the background. Then Taylor leans in slightly, her eyes sparkling.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

Your breath catches in your throat as you nod.

“I actually came here tonight hoping to meet someone interesting,” she says, her voice low and intimate. “And I think I just did.”

Your heart skips a beat. “Really?”

She laughs softly, the sound sending shivers down your spine. “Really.”

You feel a surge of boldness, the warmth of the alcohol mixing with her intoxicating presence. “Well, I’m glad you think so,” you say, your voice gaining confidence.

Taylor’s smile widens, and she moves a little closer, her leg brushing against yours. “So, Y/N, tell me more about yourself. What do you do when you're not turning heads in bars?”

You chuckle, feeling the tension ease a bit more. “I’m a graphic designer. I spend most of my time in front of a computer, but I love it.”

“That’s so cool,” she says. “I bet you get to be really creative.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty great,” you admit. “What about you?”

“Well, I mean . . . I can’t really get fired, so I get to do quite literally anything I want,” she says, grinning.

You smile back, the tension completely gone now as you two talk.

The night wears on, and it’s not long before the liquid aphrodisiacs you two consumed in the form of alcohol results in wandering hands.

Taylor, eyes half-lidded and dark, allows her hand to slowly snake around your waist as you both stumble onto the dance floor.

Boldness surges through you, and you push your ass into her, grinding against her in time to the music deafening your ears.

A soft gasp fills your ear, and it takes Taylor a moment to recover from the sudden wave of arousal that crashes into her.

When she does, however, her hands slip down to the curve of your hips and pulls you closer, whispering in your ear, “My hotel’s just a few minutes from here . . .”

You smirk a little. “Let’s go.”

And suddenly you’re in a cab with the Taylor Swift, on her lap, grinding against her thighs and throwing your head back as her lips find your neck, sucking hickeys onto your skin.

She breathes you in, finding herself more intoxicated by your scent than the multiple drinks she had had.

Scenery zooms past you through the window as the cab heads to her hotel.

She guides you off her lap and sits you down on the leather seats, she herself moving to kneel on the car’s floor as it lurches to a halt.

Upon looking out the window, you see a row of cars ahead, but before you can register that you’re in a traffic jam, Taylor’s tongue is upon your clit.

“Oh, my —”

“God, you taste so good,” she mumbles as she plunges her tongue into you.

“T-Taylor, we’re in the c-cab,” you choke out, your hand finding its way into her hair and tugging.

No response comes, just a brush against your G-spot and a soft moan, which sends a vibration of pleasure through you and causes every thought to leave your head, mind clouded with sheer desire.

She curls her tongue within you, and you groan out, arching your back.

Each stroke of her tongue brings you closer to the edge, and suddenly, as the cab stops in front of Taylor’s hotel, that spring in your lower stomach finally snaps, and you cum all over Taylor's tongue.

“F-fuck, yes!”

“We’re here.”

part two?

also, what next?

- Miss Y/L/N
- Colorado II
- Protective
- "You Really Want to Learn?"
- Pakyu Ka
- Guard Dog
- “My Girlfriend is Here!”
- Lariat Necklace

Hugs and kisses,

this author

I Know Places (Taylor Swift Imagines) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now