Nice To Meet You

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okay this is short and I KNOW. I KNOW THAT. but I found it in my notes and I thought why the fuck not.

You look around, bored as you wait for the barista to call your name for your order.

You know it's going to be a long time since the café is busy, so you pull your phone out of your pocket and put one of your earbuds in your ear.

You end up mindlessly scrolling Instagram, until you feel something hit your shoulder.

You're a bit bothered, but you know they probably just weren't paying attention, and you're ready to just ignore it, until you hear a painfully familiar voice stammer out, "Oh, gosh, I-I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

And you look up, only to feel your heart skip, like, five different beats when you see Taylor Swift standing over you.

Holy fucking shit.

You blink in surprise for a moment, your mouth halfway agape. You manage a stuttering reply of, "I — no, i-it's okay, I'm fine."

Still, her eyebrows are furrowed in concern, and she offers an apologetic smile. "Seriously, I should have been more careful. Can I make it up to you? Maybe buy you a coffee?"

Your brain struggles to catch up with the situation. Taylor Swift is offering to buy you a coffee? You must be dreaming.

"Uh, I-I'm actually already waiting for my order," you manage to say, trying to keep your cool but failing miserably.

"I can pay for it, how much was it?"

You say it before you can think, "No, it's okay, really."

"No, I insist," she says. "Please, it's the least I can do."

But it's not the least she can do, because after she went over to the counter and paid for your order and her own, she sat down in the chair opposite you and said, "I'm Taylor. Nice to meet you."

You gape at her slightly, but you answer, "I'm Y/N, n-nice to meet you, too."

You two talk for a bit, the conversation flowing effortlessly, until your orders are called, and you go to stand, but she beats you to it and returns with both your coffees in hand.

"Look," she says as she sips her coffee and checks the time on her phone. "I-I have to go. But I have concert tonight, and I can leave you a ticket at the box office. Okay?"

Holy fuck, what?

"I-I — okay. Cool," is all you can manage.

She smiles warmly at you, says a quick thank you, then leaves.

What the fuck just happened?

I Know Places (Taylor Swift Imagines) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now