~Chapter 3: Croc wakes everyone up at 3 am for no reason at all~

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"Wake up!" Croc bellows "We need to finalize the prep to leave!"

"It's morning already?" Willow groans, sitting up, as Marigold wakes up, too.

"No, it's 3 AM," Marigold says, confused. "Croc, why'd u wake us up so absurdly early?"

"If we're gonna do a good job and not disappoint the teachers, we have to make some sacrifices!" Croc says, obviously the only one who's actually awake.

"Then those sacrifices aren't gonna include sleep," mutters Willow, rolling back over. "Wake me if it's either important or a reasonable time." She says, falling back asleep.

"Well now I'm hungry!" Complained Marigold, getting up to get a snack in the food court.


"Wake up guys!" Says Croc, shaking them.

"M'kay, give me a minute," said Marigold as she woke up.

They both immediately knew Willow was awake, even though she showed no signs of being awake.

"I think my scavenger escaped!" Said Croc loudly, glancing in Willow's direction and snorting.

Willow had jumped up in fright and was now hovering near the ceiling.

"Where!?!" Willow said, terror in her voice.

She noticed Croc and Marigold cracking up.

"Not funny!" Willow said indignantly. "There's no actual escaped scavengers though... right?"

Croc laughed again.

"I don't even have a scavenger!" He said through tears of laughter.

Willow grumbled about it not being funny and went to the weapons cave to finalize preparations.

"Marigold let's gather everyone." Croc says, "I'll get the rest of our Winglet, you go get Stella. You know what cave she's in right?" He adds.

"Yup. I'll go get her." Says Marigold heading out in the opposite direction of Willow.

In about ten minutes, the seven reconvene in the weapons cave.

"Ok, we should have everything." Reef announces, double-checking the bags.

"Ok," Says Croc. "Hold on, I forgot something."

Croc steps out but falls to the ground immediately.

"Croc!" The whole group yells, rushing towards him.

"If he's not awake in 1 minute, I'm taking him to the infirmary," Willow announces.

A minute passes and the group becomes worried.

"Ok. Me and Marigold will take Croc to the infirmary, and you guys take the supplies to the coast," Willow says, picking up one of Croc's forelegs.

Everyone nods and sets about their various tasks. Willow and Marigold drag Croc to the infirmary.

They reach the infirmary, and Nurse Willow greets them.

"Hi. What can I do for you?" Nurse Willow asks, finishing tending to a scratch wound on a pink and orange SilkWing. "You're free to go now," she says, nodding to the SilkWing.

"Croc passed out," Marigold informs Nurse Willow, heaving him onto a bed.

"Ok. Did he hit his head or something, or was it sudden?" Nurse Willow asks.

"Sudden. He stepped outside then he was on the ground." Willow says, nodding at Croc.

"Ok. I need to examine him, but it shouldn't take too long." Nurse Willow says, moving around the bed to Croc's head.

Just then, Croc sits up and gasps.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the infirmary. Nurse Willow is checking you out." Says Marigold.

"Hi guys. Ok, we need to go now!" Croc says, standing up.

"Not so fast, Nurse Willow has to examine you first!" Cries Marigold, stopping him.

"Look at this," says Nurse Willow, pointing at Croc's head. "There's a mark."

"Oh that was Sundew," said Crocroc casually. "At least, I think. They had a bag over their head."

Nurse Willow rolls her eyes.

"She REALLY needs to stop hitting her students. I'll talk to her tonight." She says. "But you better stay here, in case you pass out again."

"So mission delayed?" Marigold asks, glancing at Croc and Willow.

"No, we can still go." Croc says determinedly.

"So you are the ones going on the mission?" Nurse Willow asks, "I thought so. Give it an hour, then you can head out."

"Oh come on!" Says Croc, exasperated.

"Would you rather sit here with me for the day? Sundews gonna come by for tea in a bit." Nurse Willow says with a smirk.

"No no, that's okay," says Croc hurriedly, moving for the door.

Nurse Willow laughs.

"That's what I thought. Bye you three!"


An hour later, they were ready to head out, but everyone agreed on a quick lunch.

"I'm hungry!" Complained Kimber. "Let's stop for lunch, then go."

"I'm fine with that" says Stella.

"Ok." Says Croc. "Let's be quick though. We've already lost enough time."

They eat lunch, then, bellies full, finally head out.

"Oh, by the way," Cric says nonchalantly, "I kinda stole some of Sundews herbs. Don't worry!" He adds, "I know how to use them."

In the distance, they hear a shout.

"WHO DID THIS!?!?!?!?"

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