~Chapter 6: Croc is forbidden from starting fires~

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"Croc! Croc?!" Willow whisper shouts into the cave, still weary of Marigold's observation.

They hear a faint ripping sound.

"I'm okay!" Croc calls up. "They came to feed me, then checked on your cave and found you gone, so they gagged me."

"That's bad," remarks Marigold. "Really bad."

"Ok, time to go then!" Says Willow, climbing back into the cave, and banging on the wall with the iron.

After a few bangs, the remaining rocks between Willow and Croc crumble away.

"Come on Croc, we need to go now!" Says Willow, leading Croc towards the hole in the roof.

"Okay. Goldie, on my back, Croc, follow." Willow commands, bending down for Marigold.

After a few minutes, Marigold points at some dark shapes on the horizon.

"Who are they..." Marigold says, nervous.

"Well, I hope they're our friends and not the kidnappers." Says Croc.

"Friends!" Calls Willow. "I see Stella and Kimber!"

"OVER HERE!!!!" They shout, waving and moving around as much as possible.

Their friends saw them and started rapidly flying in their direction.

When Stella, Kimber, Honey, and Reef reach Croc, Marigold, and Willow, they're all relieved to see each other.

"We were so worried about you guys!" Reef exclaims.

"What happened?" Said Honey.

"Where were you?" Asked Stella at the same time.

"Croc, tell me you didn't get hurt." Says Kimber.

"I'm glad you were, we got kidnapped, we were on that island back there, and no, I don't think Croc got hurt." Said Marigold, in response to all the questions. "Also, should I switch backs? You must be getting tired Wild."

"Maybe." Says Willow thoughtfully. "But let's find another island. I don't like our chances here."

"Ok, I'm fine with that." Says Marigold.

Willow starts flying away fast to stretch her wings, forgetting Marigold was on her back.

"Too fast!! TOO FAST!!" Hollers Marigold from on her back. "Also, you're going in the wrong direction!!"

Willow turns back to the group.

"We probably need to go back the way you guys came," says Marigold, nodding at the four who had found her and Willow and Croc. "That's Northeast. Then we can regather our bearings at the island we're at."

"Good idea." Says Stella, and she starts flying back the way she had come.


A few hours later, they reach the island where they had stayed before the kidnapping.

"I'm pretty tired, I'm gonna turn in." Said Marigold, yawning.

"Me too." Says Honey.

"I'll take watch." Says Croc, positioning himself in front of the cave.

Everyone else heads inside over the next few minutes, settling down for a nights rest.


"Good morning!" Says Croc as Willow comes out of the cave.

"Morning," says Willow, "Wow, my wings are sore." She remarks.

"Makes sense." Says Honey, striding outside, followed by the others. "Goldie told me there were bindings on your wings, plus you were flying half the day with someone in your back."

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