~Chapter 11: Hastily made gardens~

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The next morning, Marigold wakes up first, for once.

Croc wakes up shortly after and sees Marigold awake.

"Well," he mutters, "there's a first time for everything I guess."

Shortly after, Wild wakes up to a slap from Croc.

"Guys..." Marigold says, glancing down. "My wrists... are glowing."

"Wha- oh my gosh! Your wrists are glowing!" Wild exclaims.

"I think we should stay here and prepare for Goldie's metamorphosis," says Stella with a yawn.

"Good idea," Croc agrees.

"We'll camp out here until your metamorphosis is over," Honey adds.

Most everyone is awake by now, except Reef.

"Wake up!" Says Stella, elbowing him.

"Whassa matter," Reef says groggily, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

Wild rolled her eyes. "Never mind."

"Does it burn?" Croc asks Marigold curiously, studying her wrists.

"Sort of," Marigold says, "but the other dragonets and Blue say that's pretty normal. For them to be itchy and burn a bit."

"Cool!" Croc says. "I'm gonna go grow some healing mangos."

He flies off towards his makeshift garden.

"You'll need food... and not just fruit..." Marigold says absentmindedly. "So you guys have a place to camp yet?"

"I guess just anywhere on the island," Honey answers, poking a bright orange berry. "Are there safe to eat?" She asks Wild.

Croc returns with some mango's.

"Since we're gonna be here for a while," he says, "I'm gonna go explore!"

With a flap of his wings, he's in the air again.

"Bye Croc!" Marigold yells after him.


A few hours later, Marigold and Wild are discussing Croc.

"I think he's hiding something," Wild says, glancing outside

"Oh don't be silly, you always think he's hiding something," Marigold responds.

"Well then go ask him!" Wild retorts.

"Find," Marigolds says, and she trots outside.

"Croc?" she says.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"Are you hiding something?" She asks hesitantly.

"No, why?" Croc says, a little too quickly.

"Because you're always running off!" Wild calls from inside the cave.

"Just because I'm running off doesn't mean I'm hiding something!" Croc retorts.

"Sure..." Marigold says skeptically.

"And you aren't telling us where you're going!" Wild adds.

"I thought you guys could guess I'm going to my garden?" Croc says, stepping aside to reveal a hastily made garden.

Wild comes out of the cave and sees the garden.

"That looks really quickly made..."

"I had ten minutes!" Croc protests.

"Whatever," says Wild, turning and walking back into the cave.

"What's up with her?" Croc whispers to Marigold.

"I heard that!" Wild calls out.

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