~Chapter 7: We apologize for Croc~

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"Morning!" Says Croc cheerfully, almost too cheerfully.

"Ugh," groans Marigold, waking up. "My wing buds ache."

As Marigold speaks, the rest of the group begins waking up.

"I know you guys aren't morning dragons," Croc says, "but I scheduled an appointment with Luna and Swordtail in like 30 minutes!"

"Ok geez," says Willow.

"Wild," says Croc, "I'm sorry I was mean to you yesterday."

"It's okay," replies Willow, "I'm sorry I had a short temper."

"Wild," Honey interrupts, "Did you see any of the last ingredient for the darts you said you needed earlier?"

"Oh! Yes!" Says Willow, remembering. "I'll go grab them. Be right back!"

While Willow is out collecting, Croc mentions the details of his adventure the previous night to talk to Luna and Swordtail.

"I accidentally woke them up at 4 in the morning. They were... pretty mad," Croc says.

"I bet!" Marigold says. "I heard Luna likes her beauty sleep!" She giggles.

Croc tenses.

"Don't tell anyone I said that."

"Don't worry, I won't," Marigold reassure him.

As the conversation finishes, Willow runs back.

"Finished!" She announces, holding up the newly made darts.

"I hope Croc doesn't loose the darts again," Marigold says, eying Croc.

"I hope not," Willow says as she shoves the darts into a pouch.

"I'm not the one holding them!" Croc protests.

"You were earlier," Honey points out.

"True..." says Croc, "But it won't happen again!"

As they're talking, Honey spots two figures in the distance.

"They're coming!" She says, snapping Croc and Willow away from their argument.

The two figures gracefully land in front of the group of dragonets.

"Hi!" Says Marigold, stepping forward. "I'm Marigold!"

Willow steps forward as well.

"I'm Willow."

Honey, Reef and Stella all introduce themselves in the same way.

Marigold nudges Croc.

"Say hi!" She mutters out of the corner of her mouth.

"Oh," says Croc, realizing his mistake. "Hi. I'm Croc."

Luna and Swordtail chuckle.

"Hi small dragons!" Swordtail says. "Is Blue being a good headmaster?"

At the same time, Luna says, "Hi you guys! What's the reason for waking us up at 4 in the morning?"

Croc steps forward a bit.

"That was me," he says with a sheepish grin.

"And Blue's a great headmaster! Right Wild?" Marigold adds.

"What?" Says Willow, who was preoccupied with checking the darts. "Oh yeah! Blue is a great headmaster. And sorry about Croc, he... is something else."

Swordtail laughs.

"It's ok!" He turns to Marigold. "Are you having your metamorphosis soon?"

"Yes, I hope so!" Marigold says, glancing at her wrists and wing buds.

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