~Chapter 21: Mysterious dream visitor~

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Marigold and Honey wake up about an hour later to Wild and Reef in their cave.

"Hi guys!" Wild says brightly. "We just got back. I'm guessing nothing much happened."

"I don't think so?" Says Marigold. "We were asleep, so I don't really know."

"I can tell," Wild says with a laugh. "You look drowsy."

Marigold rolls her eyes.

"We should get you flying at least decent soon so we can leave the island," Reef says with a meaningful glance at Wild. "I have a bad feeling about it."

Croc, Stella, and Kimber come in.

"Well, now that we're all here..." Reef says, then he gestures towards Wild.

"While we were outside flying, we found this!" Wild says, producing a sapphire dreamvisitor in her claws. "And you know the scales from Middle Town that Goldie found? Some were right next to it!"

They all gasp.

"Who do you think had it?" Asks Stella.

"Well, it was a HiveWing and a NightWing, just like before." Reef says. "And Wild says it's not Honey or Stella's scales."

"How's it any use to us?" Kimber asks.

"It's not," Replies Marigold, "but now whoever had it can't use it, and since they're the bad guys that's good."

"It doesn't stop them though," Responds Croc.

"And... it's night," Honey says with a sigh. "Marigold should have one more day to practice flying, and then we should leave the day after tomorrow."

"Sounds good," says Wild. "Goodnight!"

Everyone goes to bed, except Croc, who flies off.

"I'm gonna go check in my crops," he says.

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