~Chapter 18: And... Croc missed it~

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"Um..." Croc says tentatively. "So you see..."

"I swear, he will never change," Kimber says with an exasperated shake of his head.

An intense glow turns their attention quickly to the cocoon.

The threads fly apart, so fast that they're almost a blur as the shape of a sleeping Marigold is revealed.

She falls to the ground as the threads finish flying apart, then mostly disappear, leaving flecks of bright silk behind.

"You missed it Croc!" Kimber shouts.

"I can't even see it!" Yelps Croc, even though he is only about 10 feet away.

The entire group except Marigold slaps their talons against their heads.

Marigold is now waking up more completely, getting her bearings at her surroundings.

Wild nudges her happily.

"How are you?" She asks excitedly.

"She was planning to prank you but we stopped her!" Kimber says.

"Snitch," Wild mutters under her breath.

"I am going to hit you!" She says a bit louder.

Marigold, who had been listening, said, "I wouldn't put it past you." Then she caught sight of the crate that lay in the opening of the cave where Croc had put it when he'd covertly landed. "Are those apples?" She asks.

Everyone turns to Croc, who had landed unnoticed due to the distraction of Marigold.

"Yes," he says.

"Where... were you?" Asks Marigold, picking up on the context clues that he had not been there until a few minutes earlier.

"The market at Middle Town," replies Wild curtly.

"There was a sale," Croc added helpfully.

"Cool. Can I have one?" Marigold asks.

Honey goes over and opens the crate, than stares at Croc skeptically.

"Why. Why are TWO THIRDS of these rotten?!" She screeches, before tossing a non rotten one to Marigold, who promptly chomps down on it.

"Um..." says Croc, but he's saved by Wild nudging Marigolds new wings.

"Show us your wings!" She says.

Marigold proudly stands up and opens how new wings, knocking over Wild in the process.

"Oops! Sorry!" She squeaks.

"It's ok," Wild reassures her, standing back up.

"Those look amazing!" Says Stella.

"Sharp," says Croc.

Everyone collectively compliments Marigolds new wings, before Marigold yawns.

"I'm tired, I think I'm gonna take a nap," she says.

Croc goes practically ballistic.


"Calm down Croc," Kimber says.

"It was a transformation! It's different!" Marigold protests.

"Whatever," says Croc. "I'm gonna turn in too I guess. But we're starting flying lessons first thing tomorrow. I want to get off this godforsaken island as soon as possible."

Wings Of Fire 16: The Journey Begins (Arc 4)Where stories live. Discover now