~Chapter 20: She almost did it~

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Wild takes of running after Honey to stop her from getting the yellow berries and killing the whole group.

Marigold turns to Croc.

"You're completely sure we can't eat the yellow berries?" She asks.

"NO!" Croc practically screams at her.

"Geez," she says. "Sorry. I didn't pay attention in Sundews class."

"Of course you didn't," Croc mutters.

He takes off into the sky, motioning to Marigold to try to follow him.

Marigolds tries, but falls out of the sky after only about three seconds.

She tries again.

And again.

And... again.

Finally, Croc offers a suggestion.

"Try kicking off," he says, landing and doing the motions of taking off in slow motion.

Marigold copies him, and launches herself into the air with enough force to stay up, finally.

And then she falls again.

"Flying hurts," she groans.

Wild comes back, this time with Reef. Honey seems to have disappeared for the moment, presumably reprimanded by Wild.

Wild whispers something to Reef, then turns to Marigold.

"Hey, good job," she says, before walking away with Reef.

"Thanks!" Marigold says brightly, before turning to Croc and Stella, who had arrived during one of Marigolds flying attempts. "I wonder what that was about?"

At that moment, Honey reappears out of a bush.

"Guys! Guess what!" She says. "I found a cow! And if you milk it and then turn the milk solid and eat it it's DELICIOUS! I'm calling it cheese!"

"That was already invented," says Croc skeptically. "But ok."

He catches their confused and intrigued looks.

"What?" He says. "They had it at the market."

"Got any flying tips?" Marigold asks Wild and Reef.

Reef thinks for a second, then says, "try kicking off and slowly flap your wings as you gain altitude."

Marigold tries the suggestion and manages to stay up much longer, before landing clumsily.

"We could try having Marigold stand on us flapping her wings until she lifts off?" Wild suggests, then catches their faces. "What?" She asks. "It's just an idea."

"You need to get better at landing," says Stella, who had been a silent observer.

"I think I'm gonna stop for today," Marigold says with a yawn. "I'm tired."

"I'm gonna go to," says Honey.

"We should get off this island soon," Croc says. "I never like to linger..."

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