𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐.

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Divine Supreme.......

After few hours........

Out side the palace.....

They left all the weapons, since Priest Lee told them to. And now they are going towards the east direction. They didn't took horses with them cause it can caught attention of animals or some other creatures that lives in the forest. They were mesmerized by their surroundings, it was really beautiful. It's almost dark now so they have to find their way to the night temple.


Prince Jungkook, Eunwoo and Jimin were at the front to protect others, and prince Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok were at the back side, since anyone can attack them from any direction, while prince Yeonjun, Jin and Taehyung were at the center

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Prince Jungkook, Eunwoo and Jimin were at the front to protect others, and prince Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok were at the back side, since anyone can attack them from any direction, while prince Yeonjun, Jin and Taehyung were at the center. They decided to keep prince Taehyung at the center to protect him from all directions, since he isn't a trained warrior.

After few minutes.....

They saw a different path, they were confused for a second but then they realized that it can be path for the Night Temple.

They saw a different path, they were confused for a second but then they realized that it can be path for the Night Temple

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Prince taehyung was scared looking at the dark but at the same time beautiful path. Not because of darkness or something, but the danger they are going to face.

Namjoon :- "It's dark here but still we can see everything clearly because of the lighting stones."

Prince Namjoon said looking at way.

Eunwoo:- "Priest Lee said that the temple is made up of lightning stones."

Prince Eunwoo said recalling what Priest Lee told them before coming here.

Yeonjun:- "Looks like the path is also made up of lightning stones."

Prince Yeonjun said while tightening the hold of his brother's hand protectively, he was holding his hand since he was scared for him. Prince Jin noticed it, he couldn't help but smile looking at how prince Yeonjun is trying his best to keep his brother safe

Hoseok :- "Isn't it weird?"

Prince Hoseok said stopping on his track.

Jungkook:- "What are you talking about hyung?"

Prince Jungkook asked confused.

Hoseok:- "Priest Lee said this forest is dangerous but no one attacked us till now."

Hoseok said trying to focus on his surrounding, so that he could find something unusual.

Jungkook:- "It's still not dark yet. It looks like it's dark here, since these trees are blocking light from coming here. And Priest Lee said we are safe till sunset"

Prince Jungkook said after thinking about it a little but not before taking a glance of the beautiful Prince. He was trying harder to not look at him, since he didn't wanted to get lost in his beauty. He ( Jungkook) have many important things to do and he can't afford to mess up.

Yoongi :- "Then we should hurry. It's going to be sunset soon".

Prince Yoongi said while others nodded their head agreeing to him.

After sometimes they a some light coming from the direction the were going, it was looking like a palace or something. It was already night now.

Jungkook :- "Looks like we got our destination. It looks like a temple, isn't it? "

Prince Jungkook said looking at the palace like thing infront of him.

The Night Temple:

The decided to go in the temple's direction

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The decided to go in the temple's direction. But before they can start walking again, they heard something. As if something or someone was coming closer to them.

Hoseok:- "Don't look back. Run as fast as you can, we have to reach the temple's boundaries."

Prince Hoseok said and everyone started running to reach the boundaries.

Jungkook:- By the sound of footsteps its clear that it's a horse, a big one to be more specific.

Prince Jungkook said while running.

Fire Equine:

Prince Yeonjun was running while grabbing Prince taehyung's hand tightly, trying make him run with the same pace as them

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Prince Yeonjun was running while grabbing Prince taehyung's hand tightly, trying make him run with the same pace as them. Prince Jungkook noticed how his mate is struggling to run, since he was already tired of walking all the way and he wasn't used to all this.

Jungkook:- "Prince Yeonjun you should go ahead, let me take carry prince Taehyung. He won't be able to run anymore and I can feel that the horse or whatever creature it is, is very close to us."

Prince Jungkook said and before Prince Yeonjun could say anything, he grabbed taehyung's waist with his right hand while sliding his left hand under his thighs, taking him in his arms effortlessly. And started running as fast as he can. Prince Taehyung was trying hard not to blush, but his cheeks betrayed him.

Within a minute they reached the boundaries and now they were safe but when they looked back to see the creature that was following them, they saw a big black horse with red flames.

"It's not a normal horse. It's The Fire Equine."


🔴Images that I am using in this chapter aren't mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner...

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