01 - Fuck you, Respectfully.

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01 - fuck you, respectfully.


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Author's POV

"you're y/n l/n?" you nodded your head in reply, in front of you stood a unusual looking person to be called a sensei, "great! welcome to jujutsu high."

you had no idea what to reply back to the adult who looked so much like a paint brush.

"i'm going to be your homeroom teacher. gojo satoru." he finally introduces his name to you with a big obnoxious smile.

you were always quick to judge a person thus violating this man in your head already. you felt bad, but not quite. he seemed like a pretty nice guy, not the type to be a teacher at all.

"can i have the schedule of my classes?" you asked him, finally saying a word to the teacher before you.

the silver haired rummages through his desk before lifting his hand that had a piece of paper in between his fingers, hanging the paper over to you. you accepted with a slight bow.

"thank you, gojo-sensei." you thanked.

"I'm afraid you already know where our classroom is." satoru starts off by asking, trying his best to make you feel like you fit right in.

"yeah, 1-A. right?" you confirmed to the man and he nods in agreement, confirming exactly that you were correct.

"well have fun on your first day and good luck, you definitely need that." satoru exclaims with a smile at you, his perfect teeth showing themselves off to you.

your mind questioned why he needed to add the last part, "why?"

satoru pauses before starting his sentence once again, "well i read about your history from your previous schools, you've got quite the perfect student history! you'll definitely be my favorite."

"but my point is, i think you'll definitely meet someone in class." satoru warns, can't help but to slip up the thing he had swimming around his mind as soon as he read your resume, "you'll get along with him just fine!"

you were curious about this certain persona of the student satoru was referring to, was he being sarcastic or was he being dead serious? you couldn't tell because one thing was for sure about this man in front of you, he knew when to tease the fuck out of someone.

"uh... thanks?" you say, quite unsure about what to reply.

satoru finally dismisses you with a big smile and you left the teacher's office, feeling hesitant about you transferring to another school. this was definitely not a good idea, but you needed to do it, to escape from it all.


you walked yourself at your classroom which you went to firstly when you arrived in the school.

now you stood in front of the door that led to the classroom you were practically going to spend the entire school year in.

you knocked first before turning the doorknob to enter.

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