06 - The Project.

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06 - The Project.


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Author's POV

"I'm home mom!" Yuuji announces as he walks in the front door, taking his shoes off in the middle.

"Welcome home, honey!" Kaori yells out from inside the kitchen, waiting to hear her other son's voice to greet but there was only Yuuji entering the kitchen with a big smile, "Where's your brother?"

"Oh he was called in Gojo-sensei's office along with Y/n." Yuuji tells before taking a seat on the dining table after plopping his backpack down on the ground.

"What why? Did he kill someone again?" Kaori asks with a deadpanned face, half joking.

"I actually don't know mom... maybe it's about him bullying Y/n." Yuuji lazily blurts out, unbeknownt to the shock it brought to his mother.

"He what?" Kaori slowly turns around, her eyes widened in shock and guilt.

"He... oh I'm not supposed to say that to you." Yuuji finally realizes before chuckling nervously, knowing that he was in for a ride with his brother later on.

"Yuuji Itadori you tell me right now exactly what your brother has been doing to sweet Y/n!" Kaori's voice raises as she sits next to Yuuji with concern laced in her tone, her face muscles tensing with worry.

Yuuji begins to feel his sweat drop, looking around as he feel himself instantly pressured by his own mother and the consequences waiting for him once he flaked out.

"I don't know mom!" Yuuji retorts with a scared face, his mother began to narrow her eyes making the pink haired shreek in fear, "Okay, okay!"

"He picks on Y/n... a lot, like he pulls on her hai----

---He pulls on her what!?" His mother raises her voice in shock, absolutely feeling shame for her own sons doing which made her angry.

"Mom let me finish!" Yuuji shrieks back, "He has been calling her names, and just bullies her I guess."

"Oh my god." His mother utters in complete shock, a hand slowly goes up to her mouth in shock, in complete utter shock, soon enough Kaori's aura became dark, a eerie atmosphere began appearing around her.

"oh he's dead..." Yuuji mumbles to himself, watching as his mother holds a death glare onto the table.

"Get your brother now."

"But he's still at schoo...

...Now, Itadori Yuuji!"


"Y/n-chan! I am so sorry to have you participate in this... but since you made Yuuji-kun pass, you are now my favorite student!" Satoru declares with a large grin on his face.

"Well the something I'd like in return is to not participate in this." You counter with a glare to Sukuna's way who was sitting beside you in front of Satoru, the older Itadori manspreads on the chair whilst holding a deep glare at the sensei.

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