08 - Attempt.

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08 - Attempt.


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Author's POV

First day, first day of working on the project. You were supposed to just work it out and ignore the flames fuming within you but no, you had stormed your way inside Gojo's office with a frown. You just needed to sort this out, there was no way you were gonna spend an entire semester with that douchebag.

You entered the office after knocking a few times, it was break time so you assumed the other teacher's were present. You make your way only to your sensei whom was busy typing away on his computer, you said good morning to the teacher's who you passed by before standing beside the white haired.

"Gojo-sensei." You called out calmly for his attention, his head spins around towards you and instantly a large grin now appeared on his face.

"Y/n-chan! My lovely Y/n-chan." He dramatically calls with a teasing tone, "How can I help you?"

You gulped down a lump in your throat, gathering up the courage the words you needed to say, "I... I don't really want to participate on this project."

Gojo's face scrunched up in worry and concern, "I know it's hard for you, but it's the only way--- or else you and Sukuna won't ever see eye to eye."

"But my other classmates don't have this project and this won't even affect our grades in any way." You reasoned once more, half meaning it, you hated doing something you did not want and expect nothing in return, absolutely horrifying.

Gojo let's out a sigh before leaning back more into his chair, he understood you, and he kind of expected you'd storm your way into his office with those kind of words. It was great that he came prepared.

"That's why I will exempt you to all of the tests on my subject, and I will be basing off on your report. I'm sorry if you feel like I'm forcing you on this but it's for the best." Gojo says, he was genuinely feeling bad but he had no other options. Things between you and the delinquent have been complicated and he needed to calm it down as your homeroom teacher.

You were silent, you had no idea what to say anymore. The statement itself took your breath away, it was ride or die now. You needed to suck it up because this project affected your grades far greater than you had imagined, "Okay--- I'll try, but I won't promise you that we'd be besties forever after this."

Gojo chuckles at your humorous comment, "Thank you."

You nodded your head before proceeding to bow, mumbling a small thank you as well. Turning on your heel and beginning to head to your merry way, "Oh and Y/n-chan."

You spin your head around your eccentric sensei, you didn't say anything back and just waited for him to say the things he wanted to, "Have you thought about what you'd like to have in return? After making Yuuji-kun pass."

You stopped for a moment, not managing to think about the right words to reply so you just let out a small, "I'll think about it."

You had no idea what you wanted, nor there was something you needed so for now... the offer could wait, until the moment presents itself to you.

Leaving the office relaxed than ever, you finally head your way back to your classroom with no more than a serious expression.

After Class

"S.... sukuna-san?" A trembling voice calls out, one random classmate whom was unlucky enough to be asked by Sukuna's gang to call for. Sukuna slowly turns his head, not fully, his gaze looks over his shoulder and his eyes seemed to have flashes a light red and the poor classmate trembles in fear, "Ma... Mahi....Hito's look....looking... fo...for you."

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