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Jungkook's P

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I was sitting at my desk, writing a new single. About a year ago, I moved to America. No one knew that I was planning on doing so. When I moved here, I got a citizenship and everything. After all that, I started making music. As it turns out, people seemed to like my music. Now, billions of people know me.

It was hard in the beginning, being away from the Hyungs and all that, but being where I am now, I understand that I know have a lot of freedom.

While I was writing, I heard the door to the room open. I turned around to be met with a beautiful face. She was wearing a grey sweater and a pair of leggings that hugged her perfectly.

"Hey babe," I said as Lisa came and sat on my lap. We were used to this now. So used to it that she didn't even have to ask.

"Hi," she said back with a small smile on her face. "Are you going to eat anything?" She asks.

I throw my head back and scrunch my nose. "Yeah, wanna go right now?"

She nods as we both get up and start walking to the dining room. We ate in almost complete silence as it was just the two of us. Oh, and Bam.

I was in deep thought about what I should write. I had a few things down already. Off the top of my head, it wrote something like

I wish you went
Behind my back
And told me lies
And stuff like that
I wish you kissed someone I know
And did the unforgivable

That was it, and I had been working on this for a fucking week.

"You know," Lisa spoke. "I can help de-stress a little bit," she says with a smirk playing at her lips.

I smile back at her say, "I would love that, but first, I need to finish writing this song."

Her smile drops and she whines saying, "But you have the whole night to do that!"

I finish and pick up my plate with Lisa following behind me. "Love, if I start, I'm not gonna stop. You know that."

After putting the plate in the sink, I start rinsing it off. I look at her and see a pout adorned on her face. I wonder how I got so lucky with her.

We both walk back up to our original spot. I still down once more and start thinking. This song has to be more than just a song. It's gotta have some extremely deep meaning that only those who know me more than I know myself would understand. I was thinking so hard that my head started to heat not too long after. Then, someone came into my mind. Someone who used to know me more than I knew myself. Damn I hate him so much, Kim Taehyung.

I continued to work when Lisa came in and sat on my lap again. This time, she was in tighter clothes. She had a tight, short, black top on with short black and ripped shorts. I swallowed as I looked at her.


"Let me de-stress you," she says in a whisper against my ear. She starts moving her hips and- riinng

"Fuck okay," I say ask I feel a boner poking inside my pants. I take my phone and, without checking the caller ID, I answer.

"Yeah so whoever this is, I'm kinda in the middle of something right now." Then, I almost hung up before I heard Namjoon. "Namjoon Hyung?" I wore and expression of shock and guilt. It's what felt anyways.

"Hi, so you are Jungkook. Good."

We haven't talked for a year. His voice changed so much. It got deeper and more stern. I heard something that was a bit muffled then i felt something against. Lisa started moving her hips once more. "Let me ride you," she in a moan.

"Fucking fuck," I swore as i took Lisa off my lap and took off my pants. She did the same while I reached for a condom and lube.

"Jungkook are you alright?"

"Yeah, just doing something,"

"Okay well, umm, if you don't mind, we're coming to America for a bit, wanna like meet up?"

"Oh, yeah, sure," Lisa was doing whatever with the line as I rolled on the condom.

"One more thing Jungkook,"

"Yeah?" Lisa sank down on my dick so my response came out to be more of a moan,

"It's our whole friend group."

Lisa started bouncing. "A-fuck- and?" I moaned.

"U-um anyways, Taehyungs going to be there too."

"Alright, I'm good with that," and I grunted as I thrust up.

"Seriously dude are you okay?"

"I did say I was kinda in the middle of something."

"Kay, just don't get them pregnant," he said with a laugh. I smile. He might have changed physically, but his personality hasn't.

... (yeah I'm not writing anymore Liskook "smut")

It took me some time to understand what Namjoon Hyung was telling me.

"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG IS GONNA BE HERE?!" Damn that took some time to process.


Hey, ok so this is the first chapter, I'll try to make the chapter longer than the last one. If you haven't read it yet, it's called "But I Still Want You". So, pls comment-and vote.

Thx, byee💜💜

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