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Jungkook's P.O.V

I thought the had told me all of it. Everything I had missed, everything I didn't get to know. It's seems not. Probably one of the most important parts about him. He's fucking married. I noticed it when I saw a ring around his finger as he was talking with Taehyung and the others.

I was happy for him, I truly was, but how could he leave such an important detail out? The big thing was that Yoongi hyung doesn't have one. So either Yoongi was being smart or they aren't married to each other.

"I'm married," Jimin said in a quiet voice.

"To who?" I ask, genuinely not knowing.

"It's not who you think it is," he replies with his head down. "It's not Yoongi hyung."

My eyes go wide and I feel sadness over come me. "Then who?" I ask.

"Listen, it was a forced marriage and we can get a divorce in a year. Until then, we're stuck together," Jimin says without answering my question.

"Just answer my fucking question," I say a bit eagerly.

"Umm, okay. Her name is Yoonji. She's a year younger than me, filling in that gap between you and me," he says with a sad smile.

"Are you happy with her?" I ask as I see his expression.

His smile drops. She's hard to handle. She's also always right. If we're both wrong, then I'm the one that made the mistake," he says, staring blankly at the floor.

Taehyung starts clinging to Jimin's side and lets Jimin lean into the nook of his neck as a sign of comfort. I sit down next to Lisa, which is a first.

"Hyung, it's okay. It'll be over soon and you and Yoongi hyung can be happy together. The only thing I don't understand is how this happened. I mean, I thought your mom knew about you two," I say a bit sympathetically.

"Yeah, she did. The only thing was that Yoonji's parents didn't. My mom has a soft spot for them, so of course she accepted the proposal. Neither of us are happy with each other though and we both were dating someone before. So we just thought we would stay married for a year before getting a divorce," Jimin explains.

"Oh," I say simply. "Now, where is she now?"

"I don't know probably fucking her boyfriend," Jimin says as he runs his hand through his hair. That's when I notice how tired he looks. The way the color has faded from his skin. It was so sad to me.

"I know what might make you feel better. Stay for the night, have a few drinks. Get drunk, I don't know!" I say throwing my hands up in the air. Yoongi smiles and looks at Jimin who was looking at me with surprise.

"You know what? That actually might be a good idea!" Jimin says as he shoves himself to the back of the couch and snuggles against Taehyung's arm.

I couldn't notice how touchy those two have been since I entered the room. Maybe it was just something they did to comfort each other, but I wanted it to stop. No clue why. Maybe it's just me from a year ago wanting to keep Jimin away from Taehyung because of the memory loss. Guess I would never know because I never said anything about.

*time skip-that night at 10*

Jimin was already drunk. After venting to me and Hobi hyung, he moved to Yoongi, who was drunk too, and now the two are making out next to me, almost as if I didn't exist.

As I watched the two, I felt arousal creep through my body. I bit my lip and looked anywhere but then. I heard a moan erupt from them and my head snapped back to them. Jimin was sitting in Yoongis lap and grinding against him.

My hand moves to my crotch and I push down to stop the throbbing that I start to feel as I poke my tongue into my cheek.

Lisa had fallen asleep and there was no chance that I was gonna fuck her in her sleep. What if I just went to the bathroom and fucked myself? That wouldn't be so bad. But, that also wouldn't satisfy me enough.

I look around once more and find my eyes stuck on a Taehyung. He was dancing with Hobi hyung now, his hips swinging to the upbeat music and his arms waving around in the air with a glass in one hand.

With more moans and grunts coming from the two enjoying themselves next to me, I bit my lip and got up, feeling my pants tighten as I did. I hit my lip and groaned as I felt the fabric of my pants tighten around the sensitive area.

Hobi hyung seems to notice what's going on with me, nods, then walks away. Taehyung doesn't seem to notice him walking away or me taking his spot.

The song changed to something slower and Taehyung took one long sip from his drink before setting the cup down next to Namjoon who was making sure that Minjoon didn't wake up while Jin hyung disappeared. I think he just went to the bathroom, as I just saw him a minute ago.

When Taehyung came back to his original spot, he smiled and opened his arms wide. He came up to me and said, "Wanna dance?"

He was clearly drunk. There was a thick sent of alcohol in his breath. Enough to make me dizzy. He turned around against my stomach, his back facing me. Almost instinctually, I wrap my arms around his waist and start moving our bodies to the beat.

He doesn't seem to notice my boner and just goes with it. We keep swaying when I leaned in and took a deep breath of Taehyung's sent from his neck. He smelled of alcohol, strawberries and a bit musky.

I bit the spot and something in Taehyung  broke. "Jeon are you hard?" He says a bit too loud. Lucky, no one heard.

"Fuck," I say as he turns around. "Did you actually just realize that?" I say with a smirk on my face.


Hello, I just wanna make sure I said that I don't read my work to look for any mistakes. I kinda js post them so don't mind the mistakes.


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