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Taehyung's P

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I had know that we were going to America, but when Namjoon Hyung told me why, I refused to o. The only problem was that I first asked at the airport. Who knows why did that!

It took us sometime to get to the actual area of our plane because Namjoon lost his passport and I left my luggage at my house. You can see where this went.

Jin Hyung went on a full on rant about how Namjoon Hyung should stop losing things while their son, who they adopted not too long ago, just watched the two of them.

Minjoon, their son, was a rather small boy for the age of five. He was just like the meaning of his name. As according to Google, his name means something like smart and quick-witted. That's exactly what he was.

Anyways, we were finally landing in America and I was dreading everything that was about to come. Little did I know that Namjoon Hyung also got Jungkook to meet us at the airport over there. He lived in California, so that's exactly where we were at this very moment.

We got off the plane and started looking around. There wasn't many people there so it was easy to spot a rather tall Korean man.

He looked happy, his sharp features glowing and his cheeks looked soft. But his body looked as if it had only gotten more muscular. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and focused on its surroundings. There were many bodyguards around him. No wonder, he's so famous from the way I know it. There was something else too. A girl. She was skinny with long black hair at reached around her waist. I didn't think he would have a girlfriend, let alone have her clinging to him like they were glued together.

We walked towards them and without a word all of us started to walk. Minjoon was being carried my Jin Hyung who was running behind Namjoon. The bodyguards came to surround all of us so that were a walking clump of people.

I had my head down so that no one could see my face. Without paying attention to anything or anyone, I just walked. Suddenly, a sent filled my nose. It was musk. I was drawn to it, but I told myself not to follow it, knowing where it was going to lead to: Jungkook. Still, I seemed to find my way to him.

While I wasn't paying attention, I seemed to end up walking right behind him and his girlfriend. I stopped focusing on that and focused on the floor. We suddenly stopped and I hadn't noticed, so I bumped into his back.

"S-sorry," I say looking up without meeting his eyes as Jungkook looked back. He looked at me and didn't say a word. He was now taller than I was, so he seemed frighting without his bunny smile.

I quickly looked back at my feet and continued to follow the others. We had somehow made it to a can where each of us got in one by one. There was a driver and eight other seats. Damn, just one too little.

"It's fine, guys. Lisa can sit on my lap," Jungkook said when he counted how many of us there were.

So her name is Lisa, huh. Suits her I guess. We took our seats and Minjoon took hold of Jin and Namjoon's hands. There was an odd space between Lisa and Jungkook when they sat down together in the seat. His legs were spread wide and her legs were kept shut closed.

"So, how have you guys been doing?" Jungkook asked when the van started to move. It was awkward, really.

Still, Jimin didn't take a second thought on answering. "There's a lot you missed. The biggest thing, I bet you noticed though, is Minjoon. He's five and belongs to Jin and Namjoon Hyung but I want him so bad." Yoongi had a small chuckle escape from him while he watched Jimin rant on about the changes. As I watched his eyes, I noticed how they were filled with love. He looked at Jimin differently than he did to the rest of us. "The next thing is that Hobi hyung has a girlfriend, but she couldn't come because she had to head home for some time." My heart aches as I took glances of Yoongi's expression when he looked at Jimin. He was truly in love, a feeling that I had longed for during that one year gap from the day I broke up with Jungkook to now.

I felt eyes on me so I snapped my head to where I thought it was coming from. My eyes landed on Jungkook's and his eyes were staring at mine. We had our eyes locked for a few seconds before he broke the eye contact and looked back at Jimin.

I looked at Lisa, who was looking at whoever was talking at the time, and noticed how strange the two looked together. She didn't fit in Jungkook's body the way I did. The others had taken plenty of pictures of me sitting in his lap and him sitting on mine. We never looked like that for as far as I know.

After hearing my name, I looked away from Lisa and towards Jimin who was still telling Jungkook about everything that he had missed. "Yeah and Taehyungie had a girlfriend for about two months but they broke up because it 'just wasn't working out,' " Shit I forgot about that. "But, she ended up telling all of us that she was cheating on Taehyung with some dude whose name sounded a bit like bubblegum. Can't remember his actual name."

I watched Jungkook stop fiddling with the rings in his fingers and look at Jimin when he said that. Was I fucked? Nah, he didn't care. Lisa was the one who spoke next. "Oh, I'm sorry Taehyung Oppa, I'm sure you'll find someone who's just right for you!" I gave her a smile in response and looked away.

We had arrived to-ummm-a house? I don't exactly know. It looked too big to be a house but too small to be anything like a hotel.

"Guys,"Jungkook said as we got out the car. "This is my house." He said with his arms spread out. That's when I noticed how much more muscular he had actually gotten. It's like his boobs just got boobier. And his arms just grew three times its original size.

"Dang Kook you own this place?" Hobi hyung asked. Jungkook had a smile on his face, without showing his bunny teeth, and nodded.

We walked in together. The moment he opened the door, there was a small Doberman grating us with puppy barks, tail wags, and jumps. Jungkook had always wanted a dog, specifically a Doberman. He needed up getting one.

"This is Bam, he's about nine months old," Jungkook said while cradling the dog.

After giving us a house tour that didn't last too long, we sat down and he got us something to drink while we talked.

"So, Jungkook, on the way here, it was all about us, but what are you up to?" Yoongi hyung asked Jungkook while we were in a conversation.

"Actually Hyung,I've been working on a song. I have all the music down, but I'm still working on the lyrics. If you want, you can hear what I've been working on," Jungkook said.

"That would be nice, can we?" Jin Hyung said in response. Jungkook nodded and gave us a gesture that meant wait a minute. He came back with a paper in his hand and nd lead us to the studio.

When he started to play the music, I heard a soft piano as an intro. Then, Jungkook started singing.

I wish you went behind my back
And told me lies and stuff like that
I wish you kissed someone I know
And did the unforgivable

Maybe hatin' you's the only way it doesn't hurt

So I'm gonna hate you
I'm gonna hate you
Paint you like the villain that you never were
I'm gonna blame you
for things that you don't do
Hating you's the only way it doesn't hurt

And that was the end of what he sang. Jungkook came out from the other room and said, "That last bit was an improvised but, yeah."

The others were staring at him in awe, even Minjoon, but I was thinking about the words. This was about me, wasn't it? I didn't say anything and stayed with the others as we listened to the rest of the album that he was planing on releasing then left. But, I was still stuck in the first song.

We left the room and sat down again. They were enhanced in a conversation that I didn't take part in. Did Jungkook really hate me? Or was it just that he never got over me? I really don't know.
Hey guys I just wanted to mention that I don't hate Lisa and Bogum I was just too lazy to make up people. So please, don't hate on them or me for putting them in this.

That's it hope u enjoy and I'll do my best to update💜💜💜

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