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Lisa's P.O.V

Was he cheating on me? It seemed like it. I heard moans coming from Jungkook's studio and I know that means he's jerking off.

See, the thing was that, after we first had sex, we said that we would come to each other with our desires. He seemed to forget that I existed for a second.

As I was slowly walking towards a wide-eyed, frightened Jungkook, he walked backwards with his hand gripping the table hard. "What made you hard anyways?" I asked.

"Oh, umm. Baby, I don't really kn-" He was cut off by a sneeze.

"Who the fuck was that?" I exclaim. Then, I notice the boxers on the floor.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Fuck Taehyung sneezed. Fuck she noticed his boxers. Fuck my whole life's about to go down.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Sorry Jungkook

Lisa's P.O.V
I knew that voice. That deep, sexy voice. Don't get me wrong, I love Jungkook, but something about that voice always got me.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Fuck don't kill me. Lisa pinned me to the wall and was on her toes, staring through my eyes. I was so fucking scared I felt like crying. This is my fault. I didn't turn on the music. Yes, this is the only reason that I turn the music on.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Fuck this is my fault. There were tears coming out of my eyes. I shouldn't have asked Jungkook to fuck me. I shouldn't have ridden him. Fuck I'm sorry Gguk.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I blinked to get the tears to disappear. It didn't work and I ended up making the tear fall from my eye.

"Let me repeat myself and this time I need an answer." Lisa was mad. She looked crazy, hair all over the place, eyes wide with anger. "Who the fuck sneezed, Jeon fucking Jungkook?" She harshly whispered.

Do I tell her? I couldn't breathe. Fuck I can't breathe. BREATHE OXYGEN BODY I NEED THE AIR, I told myself. I couldn't. The air was sliding right out of my nostrils the same way as it went in. My chest was rising and falling fast and heavily. The tears pricked my eyes bad and I was biting my lip until I felt blood. Then, I broke down. I broke down into a river of tears. I sank down onto the floor and hugged my knees as I rocked back and forth, hitting my back against the wall.

Lisa's P.O.V

Shit. I've never seen Jungkook break down like this. Shit what do I do? He was below my knees, crying hard.

"Lisa, I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Please don't leave me, you're all I have left. Please. I love you. You're the only one I love like this. Please, Lisa, don't leave me. It was just a temporary thing. Please, baby. I need you with me here. You're the most important thing in my life," Jungkook ranted. His words were sincere and he meant everything he said. I could by his tone and the way that he hid his head between his knees.

I knelt down so that I was at his level. "So who sneezed?" I ask in a calmer tone.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I was quietly sobbing behind that wall. Jungkook's words stung. The fact that he was crying while he said that stuff made it worse. It shouldn't have stung, so why did it? My knees stayed at my chest as I remember the way that Jungkook would sit next to me and console me whenever I was sad. It just made me cry harder. I forgot about my surroundings and sniffed before letting out a loud sob. I was both scared and hurt, how would I not be crying right now?

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was blabbering. I meant everything I said. At least, I thought I did. I was still crying hard when I gave Lisa the honest answer. "It's Taehyung," I mutter. "We had sex," I add. "This is our third time since they got here." My tone was pitched low and quiet. I was still hyperventilating, but it wasn't as bad as before. I could feel the puffiness of my eyes as she looked at me. I stared at the floor blankly.

Taehyung's P.O.V

My eyes go wide as Jungkook tells Lisa the truth. Everything set aside, Lisa coulda just opened the door and walked over here, but she managed to get it out of Jungkook. I start to shiver from a sudden rush of cold that overcomes me as my sobs become more and more audible.

Lisa's P.O.V

Third time? Damn. I clench my jaw through anger and frustration as I get up and open the door to the other part of the studio, revealing a very naked Taehyung in the corner hugging his knees with his head down, sobbing.

"Damn Jungkook," I start. "You two actually fucked." Taehyung looks up at me, eyes red and puffy.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was fucked for sure. Lisa saw Taehyung. She now knows about the two other incidents. She did something and I guess for Taehyung to stand up. The poor man had to walk with his lower body either aching horribly or his legs feeling like jelly. Probably both. I watch as he puts his boxers on and leaves the room without another word. Not even looking at me.

I meet Lisa's eyes again and feel the fear come back. "Jungkook," she says sternly. "I fucking love you with all my heart." She was now standing right in front of me, looking down to meet my eyes as I stretched my neck to look at her. "So you're gonna prove to me that you love me to."

"How?" I ask, emotionless and blank.

"Fuck me in all the same ways and places that you two did," she says.

"Can't do that," I say in the same tone I've been speaking in. This time, I looked down at the floor behind Lisa.

"Why not?" She asks. I realize that she thinks I mean I can't fuck her.

"We fucked in his room once. Unless you want him to se you naked too, we're not doing that," I remark.

"That's fine, we have a room, too," Lisa says with her voice pitched really low as she turns away from me. "Go in order of the ways and places that you've fucked him. You can start whenever you want."

I get up and walk toward Lisa, doing everything that I did to Taehyung the day they got here. The only difference was that there was not emotion put into it. I felt dead, empty, as if she had just sucked the life out of me by doing all of this.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I found Hobi hyung sitting in his bed with the others. After getting my sweatpants. I went to my room, but I went to Hobi hyung because I just needed to talk to someone. I ended up talking to five people as Jin put their son to sleep so that he wouldn't hear anything I said. Just to make sure, I spoke in Japanese because my English isn't so good and Minjoon only spoke and understood Korean.

I told them everything from beginning to end. The way Jungkook had first fucked me in the studio and the way Lisa caught us in the studio. Jimin was cradling me as I cried onto his shoulder. None of them blamed Jungkook. None of them were mad at him either. Neither was I. In truth, we're in this together.

Whether he meant what he told Lisa about only loving her wasn't any of my business. In fact, it would have just been awkward with me being around. It already was, but now that Lisa knows, everything's gonna get worse.

Yoongi hyung and I traded rooms, meaning I was going to have to sleep with Jimin. I'm gonna be alright. This is going to be okay, I kept telling myself, even if I was sure that it wasn't true.
I'm not like any other author that would have said that it was Jungkook accidentally turning on the music for a second, nope. But, this is NOT the end of their relationship dw
The ending is gonna be a lot sadder than this so buckle ur seatbelts...

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