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Jungkook's P. O.V

I leave Taehyung and find Lisa fast asleep in bed. She looked so fucking peaceful and I was glad that I didn't wake her up.

As I stepped into the shower, I could feel something weird about me. I had just fucked my ex-boyfriend because my current girlfriend is sleeping. That was why, right? I sighed and stripped myself.

As I felt the hot beads of water fall down my body, relaxing the muscle that were tense. I scoffed and placed my forehead against my hands. A soft tear came out my eye as it burned my skin when it fell. Another fell out of the other eye and my lips created a weird shape as I let out another sob. I sat on the floor of the cubicle and let myself cry. I fucking miss him and, let's face it, still love him. I acknowledge that. But he fucking hates me. I scrunch my nose as I stop my sobs and finish my shower. I fell asleep almost immediately, tired from the sex and other full-on whole body crying just a few minutes before.

*Time skip-the next morning*

When I woke up, it was well around 10 in the morning. When I got downstairs, Lisa and Hobi hyung were the only ones. Taehyung hadn't come down yet. I took a deep breath and gave Lisa a quick peck before turning to Hobi hyung. Lisa went back to breakfast, though I shouldn't have really trusted her with it by herself.

"Did Taehyung come downstairs yet?" I ask politely.

"Dude, does it look like it. Also, how do you not have a hangover?" He states.

"Pfft-I was the only one that wasn't drunk by ten," I said before adding, "let me go see if Taehyung is okay."

Hobi hyung nods as a response before mouthing, 'You wrecked his ass, didn't you'. I smirk and nod before mouthing back, 'You gave me the permission to do so. That means you're tied into this too'. He rolls his eyes and shoos me away. I laugh and run away from him all that way up to Taehyung's room.

I knock before saying, "Can I come in, it's me, Jungkook."

"Okay good, it's you, come in," I hear. It sounds a bit struggled, but I don't mind it.

I open the door to find Taehyung struggling to get out of the bed. I chucked and walk to his aid, picking him up bridal style and bringing him to the bathroom.

"Don't laugh at me, you did this," he remarks while playfully slapping my arm.

"Yeah, and because I did this, you now need help taking a shower," I said and his eyes go wide.

"Fuck, I forgot about that," he mumbles. "Y'know you don't have to help me," he says.

I place him down and he starts to brush his teeth. "What's better: Me having to see you naked because you can't shower by yourself after I wrecked your ass last night or falling on you already hurt ass?" I ask him while lightly pressing my lower abdomen to his butt. He sucks in a breath and stops moving before closing his eyes then continues what he was doing.

He spits before answering, "I think I'd rather fall on my ass," he answers as a joke. He means completely onto me because his legs aren't much of a help right now.

"Kay, bye," I say while leaving him and walking out. He stumbles back but manages to remain gain his balance.

As he stand ms up straight, he points his toothbrush at me and says,"it was a fucking joke get your ass back over here." I smile and walk back over to him.

He finishes brushing his teeth and start to help him with his clothes. He only had pants on, so it was pretty easy. The hard part was keeping my shot together when everything was exposed.

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