|Boy Is On My Mind|

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While sitting in Mr. Mason's class I didn't really pay attention. Nobody noticed because they were all to busy watching as he paced the room during his lesson on whatever we were learning.

I was in a daze. Thinking about Josh, and strangely Robert, and then I came across the fact that Robert, who I'm guessing is in his I dont know mid 30's? Anyway he was suprisingly handsome for a teacher.

And Josh reminded me of someone in a way but I couldn't grasp who...it was the look in his eyes and it was starting to piss me off, it was a look I've seen before but I can't think where.

The bell rang and I got up and filed out of the class room with everyone else. I started working on some  scenery painting in Art, I'm kind of hesitant with what to draw since I haven't painted in months and I need to find a place to paint.

Towards the end of the class period it was time to put the supplies away and some girl who I hadn't even noticed was in my-class, slightly bumped into me getting green paint on the left boob section of my white sleevless shirt. It wasn't a huge mark but it was pretty noticeable. She quickly stopped in her tracks and apologized, "Its ok, I have plenty other shirts." I said with a reassuring smile and walked back to my desk. I wouldn't be as embarassed if it didn't attract awkward attention to my breast.

I decided to take my time going to lunch, I didn't want to be the first one at the norms table, be cause thats kind of awkward. After finally getting my lunch I walked towards their table Josh, Ivy and all of them were sitting there talking casually. Orangutan was shooting daggers at me from her seat but I didn't give her much attention, except for a smug smile. I reached the norms table, "Hey guys." I said..Josh patted the open space next to him, and I sat down.

Everyone was sort of into there own conversations as Josh changed his posture to talk to me..."So, are you mad at me?" he asked while looking at me cautiously.."No, why?"..he sighed "You never replied to my text last night." I smirked "Oh yea, I wanted to make you sweat." He then smiled and shoulder bumped me "ass." he chuckled. Josh ended up sitting closer to me as lunch went on and I could feel Ivy's eyes on me..but not in a bad way, sort of in a inquisitive way. As lunch came to an end and everyone got up and threw away their trays, Josh walked with me to Mr. Downeys class since we have it together. "Soo, uhm what are you doing after school today he asked?" "mmmm Im not sure I have to check my schedule, why do you ask?" I asked with sarcasm "Well, if you could grace me with your presence and accompany me after school today, it would be my honor." He said back with sarcasm, I raised my chin and turned my head to the side while examining my nails "Hm I think I can make time." We both gave up the act and started laughing as he opened the door for me to walk into the classroom, what a gentleman.  

As I walked in and took my seat Mr. Downey was sitting at his desk scrolling down his computer monitor...he seemed aggravated..but then again I hardly know him so Im not sure if he was actually upset at something. Josh sat next to me and pulled out his script, "Did you read it he asked?" My facial exoression changed into shock, "Damn I completely forgot...do you think he will ask us?" He looked at me as if the answer was obvious.."One thing you should know about this class is if he hands you something you better make sure to read it." I looked at Mr. Downey and tried to think of an excuse, I couldn't come up with anything.."Well, im fucked." He laughed "Yup." Mr. Downey then got up and walked to the front of the class and everyone was now in their seat. "Did any of you actually read the script I handed out yesterday?" He asked with aggravation in his tone. Everyone raised there hand and I was shocked...seriously Im the Only one? These people must be liers. He scanned the classroom and then stopped at me...he grunted "Amanda you didn't read the script?".. "Er, No sorry...I...forgot." He looked at me with an emotionless face...obviously he was pissed about something cus he couldn't of gotten so mad at something like this. I broke eye contact and looked at my palms on my desk..he cleared his throat.."Very well then, class-" he was cut off by an annoying high pitched voice.."Uh excuse me Mr. Downey but didn't you tell us that when we don't do what's assigned we get a detention." She said while she sat straight up with a smug smile, I turned and glared at her....fucking orangutan..Mr. Downey shifted and spoke lowly.."Well, yes that is true but I think the-" ..He was cut off again, "Then it's only fair that.." she paused and looked at me "she, gets detention isn't it, Mr. Downey?" He looked from the wild animal to me..I sighed "Fine, detention after school, awesome, are you done now orange peel? I said loudly glaring at her...her mouth gaped and everone started laughing...her face quickly grew red and she huffed "Atleast I have color." She said In a defensive tone glancing around to see if anyone would back her up in the slightest of her weak insult, I chuckled "Sadly, thats true...but brains? That's a whole different story....Tell me did you actually read the spray can label, Or did you just pick the one that looked the brightest?" The entire class was roaring with laughter, Mr. Downey was looking down but I knew he was trying to hold back his laugh by the corners of his mouth jerking up and down. "Mr. Downey she squeeled, are you gonna let her talk to me like that." He looked at me took a breath and gathered himself.."Everyone calm down...now Amanda, thats enough." His voice cracked and he smiled and cleared his throat.."You have detention after school with me Miss. DeAngelo."...I looked at him...I honestly didn't care about my detention..who cares its a detention? "I didn't know it was wrong to question things...but alright." I then sat back and let the class quiet down as Mr. Downey tryed to get things back to normal. Josh leaned over, grinning ear to ear.."Amanda you didn't tell me you were a comedian." I playfully bumped his shoulder.."Im not, but im also not gonna be humiliated by a endangered species.." He started laughing again, "By the way her name is Tania.".."Well i know her as orangutan." I stated and he laughed again..Tania was now glaring at me and I shot her a wink.

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