|Two Heartaches|

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[Robert's POV]

I called Amanda's phone for the 58th time...still no answer. I've never seen her so mad before, she's so tiny but it was sort of frightening. I was sitting on my sofa with my phone in my hands and still in my jeans. I hate myself so much right now..I kept telling myself I would tell her about Liliann and the divorce..but I kept putting it off, I don't know why but I just was so nervous to tell her...what if she would judge me, or think I can't keep a marriage, or that Im not a good husband, or just anything bad at all. I promised I wouldn't hurt her..and here I was keeping this secret from her for almost three months. She has told me basically everything about her, the bad, and the good..and I wasn't keeping my end of the deal. I decided I needed to talk to her and explain things completely..I grabbed my shirt and car keys..and went to look for her. I knew new she wasn't at that girl Ivy's house because I saw Amanda drive away the opposite direction..so I drove to the park, we've gona there a couple times and she seemed to really like it there.

I checked the park and she wasn't there..I drove around the area but didn't see her car around anywhere. So I drove to her house and parked a couple houses down, I know I won't be able to talk with her during school tomorrow so I'm going to wait for her, she will be home sooner or later.


~Amanda's POV~

I was parked in the parking lot when Ivy's car pulled up next to mine, we both got out, and when I saw her I almost couldn't believe it was Ivy, the red in her hair was an ugly light orange..I guess she hasn't died it..she was wearing an oversized flannel shirt and jogging pants, she had bags under her eyes...I walked up to her and gave her a hug, "Are you ok?" I asked while hugging her she shook her head and we started walkingdown the beach, after a couple minutes she spoke. "How have you been?" she asked while looking at her feet as they disapeared into the sand with every step, "Alot has happened, escpecially today." .."oh? like what?" I sat down on the sand and she sat next to me.."You remember, Robert? the teacher?" I asked her..she nodded her head.."Well I went to his house after Ryans big party..remember that? and the next day he asked me to be his girlfriend...and I said yes..and we have been dating ever since..but today.." I let out a deep breath, "We were hanging out..like usual..and I was about to lose my V card..can you believe that?" I said while glancing at her..she gave me a half smile..and that's when I knew something was really wrong Ivy's attempt at being her usual self wasn't even believable..I looked at her, "Well anyways right after he said 'I love you' for the first time and I said it back ...and things were gonna happen, I saw divorce finalization papers on his nightstand...they're his and his wife's." She looked at me plainly.."So?"..I looked at her suprised.."So? So he never told me he was in the process of divorce Ivy! He never even told me he had ever been married! God know's how long they were together..all he ever told me was that he had no kids..he kept that from me..I told him everything..the deepest secrets I had..we promised eachother to always be honest with eachother, and almost 3 months and he didn't tell me he was going through a damn divorce. that's 'so'." I said while looking back down at the sand.."Wow, I didn't know he never told you...Im sorry..are you guys together still?" I shook my head.."I don't even know man, I got up and he went after me and tried to stop me but I told him alot of stuff..and then I left." I looked back at her and she was looking at me with sorry eyes..she shook her head, "He should have told you...do you think...that um, he still has feelings for her?" I didn't even think about that..I looked at her.."I don't know to be honest..this is so fucked up Ivy, If he still loves her then...I guess Im just gonna get over him, somehow." "It's gonna be alright Amanda." She said while giving me a light smile, I put on a smile to show I'm okay..but In reality..my heart is hurting and if he loves his wife still then that's that...I looked over at her.."So, How has your life been..I hardly see you at school...you look a bit off to be honest." Her smile dropped and she closed her eyes, "Amanda you have to promise to never tell anyone.." I nodded my head "Ok."..she took a deep breath, "Remember Ryan's party? I hooked up there...with a guy...and..um we didn't use a condom, I was so fucked up..." She said while shaking her head.."the point is..I am two months pregnant.." My jaw practically detached from my face..."Oh my god...Ivy..I, I don't know what to sag..are you healthy? Do your parents know? Who's the father?" She wouldn't look at me.."He's one of my uh weed suppliers, we bumped into eachother and kinda just let stuff happen..and no, my parents don't know.." She looked at me with tears in her eyes, Ivy one of the strongest girls I've met was crying..and I felt like I just needed to help.. "I can't tell them..I just I can't..I already dissapoint them..Im the only child ya know ? I just..I should get an abortion." She said quickly as if it were an epiphany..I looked at her shocked.."Ivy look at me.." Her bloodshot eyes were on me.."Im not going to ever judge you..but you need to think if you seriously need an abortion...does the dad know?" She shook her head "No..I-I can never tell him...and I can't have this baby..Amanda..my parents are getting a divorce.." She burst into tears..."They told me 2 weeks ago..my dad moved all his shit out yesterday, Im knocked up, Im not gonna graduate..Im practically an alcoholic and the only way I'd be able to provide for this baby is by selling weed...Being a mother isn't in the cards for me...I don't like kids, I have no patience..I have no one..ya know, I just..I can't." The tears were like a never ending waterfall..so I decided to help her with her choice, I put my hand on her hand.."Ivy...you have me.." I grabed her hand and started walking towards the car, "Where are we going?" She asked.."You'll see." She got in her car and followed me..we drove to the clinic, I got out and walked to her car. "Here it is...I'll go in with you if you want?"...she looked at me and then to the clinic, she looked lost..I opened the car door for her and she hesitently got out. We walked into the clinic, and she went up to the front desk and gave them her name, and told them she was here to have an abortion performed..I took a seat and she cameover and sat next to me. That was probably one the most tense moments of my life in a room. Not everyone there new why Ivy was here and why I was there with her, but it was just uncomfortable..because we both knew why we were there.

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