|Panties In A Bunch Pt.2|

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I looked for Robert as soon as the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I went to his room but it was locked. He left already...he's avoiding me. I can't imagine why. Everything has literally been perfect...maybe it's to perfect for him? Maybe he's bored? I don't know..but I need to see him. I walked through the parking lot to go to my car, when Mr. Evans came out of no where and scared the living shit out of me. "Hey!" he said while taking a step infront of me from my side, "Ugh, you scared me!" I said with a faint laugh..he smiled, "Sorry didn't know you were easy to scare." I glared at him.."What's up?" I said while walking to my car, he followed next to me. "You never told me what happened with that guy...ya know if my great advise worked or not." he said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes, "Actually yes, It did work..thanks." I said with a smile he nodded his head.."So where ya headed?" he asked casually...I was planning on going to Robert's but I couldn't say that, "Uhm, no where..really." "Are you hungry or anything?" "Eh, kinda why?" "Let's go get some food." he said with a smile...fuck. "Uh I don-" "Oh come on, your gonna leave me to eat all alone?" he asked in a kiddish voice. "Uh, Ok just for a bit."..he smiled, "Don't worry I won't keep you from your Romeo."..I gave him a fake smile, but inside...all these lovey dovey comments were making me a bit sad, since right now I don't even know what's even going on with me and Robert. I got in my car and followed him to a small cute diner, we walked inside. "Wow this place is so little, I've never noticed it before.." I said while looking at my surroundings. Chris smirked, "I used to come here alot when I was younger..the food is great." I smiled and we sat down in a booth, me facing the windows, and him facing the rest of the diner and entrance. A waitress walked over and took our orders. We sat and talked for a bit, when the waitress then came with our food, as she set our plates down..I could see Chris, trying to sort of look over her and past me, his eyes were a bit squinted, he raised his hand and called out "Robert!" before I heard the sound of a door open and close..I whipped my head around to see nothing. I looked back at Chris, "I just saw Mr. Downey walk out...can't believe I didn't notice him earlier...I didn't see him come in." he said while shrugging and looking down at his steamy plate of food. I felt nauseus..Robert was here this whole time, and I didn't even know it, I can only imagine what he is thinking. I still don't even understand what was going on, I guess he came here to be alone...he knew I would go to his house..so he stayed away from their, Im not stupid. I tryed to eat some of my meal but I just couldn't, I felt terrible...I needed to see Robert. I took out my phone and pretended to read something, "My mom just texted me to go home, I have to watch my sister." he swallowed the piece of steack in his mouth and pulled out his wallet, I stopped him, "I really have to go..they need.me.there fast...but this was cool...I like this little place." I smiled and he smiled back and nodded I leaned over to give him a quick hug, and said bye, and as I walked out the door I got the sense that when I said those things and he smiled and we hugged...that we were a bit more then just 'teacher and student' or friends...which could never happen.

I got in my car and drove to Robert's house.. his car was parked in the driveway and I could see the lights on in his house. I parked in the driveway and walked to the front door, I knocked..and waited a bit, and then Robert finally opened the door. He stood there starring at me...I walked in and closed the door. I walked into the livng room and sat down, he walked in soon after..and sat down on the single sofa and reached for his cup of wine on the table, "What's going on Robert...why are you being distsnt and so cold to me. I honestly can't think of a reason why I deserve this treatment." I looked at him as he focused on the wine moving around in his cup, "Why did you go to him..." he said quietly..I scooted closer to him, "Who? What are you talking about?"..he kept his eyes on the wine, "One can only imagine the way I felt when Mr. Chris Evans...of all people came up to me while I was in the teachers lounge trying to enjoy my break..asking me if you 'seemed ok' lately in my class. And then to have him confide in me about how he found you late at night on the beach..and then about how you slept in his house....how crushing.".."Ro-"..he sat up and cut me off "OH and it gets better...I try to go somewhere to just clear my mind abit and who do I see? You..on a dinner date or whatever with HIM!" he said while glaring at me slightly...now I understood why he was acting this way, "Robert....you don't get i-".."Ya know, You're right actually I don't get it. So please, please explain." he said sarcasticly...I took a deep breath, "The night that your wife was here...and I went to the beach, Chris found me there, he said he takes a jog there everynight. He asked me what was wrong..but obviously I couldn't say the truth, so I told him half o-"..."Unbelievable..it would be nice if you didn't try to bullshit your way out of this and create some long detailed story. I don't need it. I'm 43 fucking years old. Don't play me for a fool."..he got up and grabbed the bottle of wine from the table and walked away, I quickly got up and followed him, he started walking up the stairs, "I mean..I guess I can understand why you would want to be with Chris, he's smart, he's young...well younger then me atleast." he was moving his hands around while talking, dropping wine on the floor. Robert you're dropping wine everywhere." "That's not the point!"...I decided not to interupt, he opened the door to his room and I walked in behind him, "If you wanted someone else...you could have told me.." he said while shaking his head, I was getting fed up.."Robert, you idiot..I don't want anyone else! Im telling the truth, he asked me to spend the night and I said yes, ONLY because I had no where else to go and my mom thought I was spending the night somewhwere, I needed a friend..I slept on the sofa...he slept in his room, the next morning he gave me a pep talk about facing you...well he didn't know it was you but you kno what I mean. So that's when I came here that afternoon."..he looked at me, "Why didn't you tell me..how would you feel if I slept at some girls house and didn't tell you?"..I looked down, "I would be pissed.. But if it were reasonable I'd understand, I didn't think it was a big deal...he's my friend...I thought you two were friends.".."Correction, Colleague." he said while looking at me and sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." he looked away and scratched his stubble, I walked over and sat next to him..I leaned into give him a kiss..he hesitated to kiss me back before quickly turning his head away, "Why were you at the diner with him?" he asked...I sighed, "He saw me when I was walking to my car in the parking lot he asked me to get something quick to eat with him so that he wouldn't be alone...I figured 'sure..just for a bit.' and that was all..he asked about the advice he gave me..and I told him it worked that I am back with my boyfriend...you...and then he told.me he saw you leave, so I pretended to get a text from my mom, and I left...I knew you would get the wrong idea.".."Oh yea? How?"...I smirked "Because I know how you get.."..he smirked and looked down, "And how do I get?"..I smiled, "Well, you tend to get jealous when it comes to guys who even talk to me, you kinda jump to conclusions sometimes.. you think I would want Chris cus he's young which is absurd...I mean, look at you." he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "You always make sure to hold my hand in public..to let everyone know we are together..escpecially when guys are around." he raised his eyebrows, "I didn't know you knew that." he said with a laugh..I smiled, "There is alot I know..that you don't know I know.".."Is that so?" he leaned in and gave me a kiss...and I gladly accepted. "So you believe me?" I said inbetween kisses, he nodded his head, and I smiled.."Soooo you think I'm better looking then him?" he said in a cute voice.."Please....you are stone cold stud muffin." he chuckled at my answer.."I don't see why you get your panties in a bunch." he gasped and looked at me, "Don't bring my panties into this!"..we both laughed and I put my head on his shoulder, "I hate when you're mad..." I said quietly...he put his hand on my head.."So do I." We sat there for a while with my head on his shoulder and just talked about the randomest things, I was just glad everything was back to normal.


Im sorry but I just think they are the cutest couple...Im starting to really love writing this story more and more. ANYWAY I took my ACT today...you could say my brain is pretty tired..lol. Anyway please give me feedback. VOTE&COMMENT. Thank you. :)

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