|There's A First For Everything|

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I walked slowly down the stairs to make sure I wouldn't fall, I walked into the livng room but it was empty...I then wandered into the kitchen which was empty too. I wandered somewhere and found another hallway one of the doors was slightly cracked open, I peered in to see Mr. Downey sitting in a leather chair at a glass desk with a lamp turned on and papers spread across the desk. He was on the phone with someone, it sounded like he was arguing with someone but for all I know he could have just been being a smartass like usual..He hung up then phone and tossed it on the table infront of him, he then went back to writing on the numerous papers infront of him, Even though my high was wearing off..I thought I had been pretty silent in walking into the room, but I guess not since Mr. Downey heard me and with out turning around asked, "What is it Amanda?" in a aggravated tone...I decided to stop being sneaky and just walk up to him, I leaned forward and rested my head on the back of his chair, "Watcha doin?" I chirped... he quickly turned his chair around and since it had wheels my head slipped off and I fell forward and onto Mr. Downey. I laughed and he sighed, 'this might actually be a good time to do what Ivy said'....so instead of backing up and regaining my balance I sat on his lap, and I noticed that the hand he used to grab my hip while I was falling hadn't left my hip. I looked down at his hand and smirked, "Someone's getting a bit handsy aren't they?" He grunted and moved his hand discreatly to his thigh.."You're the one on my lap." He said bluntly..I laughed..and then looked at his shirt with light brown stains on them, I started laughing at the mess I had made..he realized I was laughing at him and while pushing me off his thigh stood up, "You're not funny..this was my favorite shirt...and why are you wearing my tie?" He stated while looking at the stains on his shirt..I turned and started walking towards the door, "Cus! ....and Maybe you shouldn't be such a tease then." I kept walking even though I was freaking out inside that I just said that to him, it looks like being high gave me a pair of balls, finally. He walked behind me.and lightly grabbed my forearm and turned me around, "How am I a tease?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed..I sighed, and mimicked him from earlier, "Don't play coy Robert." I walked into his living room and sat on the sofa..the high had finally were'd off I could feel it. He walked into the living room and starred at me, I looked at him and asked, "Why did you bring me here any ways?"..he shrugged, "It's raining....and you were high." He said the last part in a dissapointed tone, I shrugged and grabbed the controller and turned on the t.v. Before I could ask my next question he was gone, after about 2 minutes I decided to look for him to take me home. I walked back to the old room which im guessing was his den, nothing. I walked into the kitchen, nothing. I walked up the stairs and opened eached closed door, I forgot which one was his bedroom, and I needed to get my clothes so I just decided to open them all, I opened the last door on the right, it was dark so I turned the light up a bit and there stood Mr. Downey facing his bed with his back turned to me, in only his boxer briefs and nothing else, I could see each muscle in his back move has he reached for his shirt, I choked and he quickly turned and looked at me, I couldn't stop starring at his body it was so perfect and looked so soft..I then realized I was starring and met his face to find a huge smirk plastered on his face, "If you wanted to see me naked you could have asked." He said while wiggling his eyebrows. I scoffed, "I came in here to get my clothes to go home, not to see a partially naked old man." I said while walking past him and to my clothes that were folded on the small table across the room..I leaned over to grab my clothes, I then felt a presence behind me and as I turned around there stood Robert, still in only his boxer briefs watching me..I stood up straight and looked at him, "Why are you going home?" He asked in a low voice taking a step closer to me, closing in the small space that was between us, I knew that he was trying to play his stupid game again, so I decided to play back...I looked him in the eyes, "Well it's called my home for a reason." I smirked, his eyes then wandered from my eyes to my lips, "Tell your parents you're staying at a friends.." He said while licking his lower lip, I smirked and looked at his lips too, "Why so I can be stuck here with you?"..he moved his finger and ran it up and down my arm under the t shirt " ...He leaned in almost touching my lips and whispered, "Just do it Amanda." ...I smirked.."Do you enjoy seducing me?"..I asked boldly, he moved his mouth to my neck hovering his lips around that area, "Just a bit." He then pulled back and gave me a wicked smile before walking back to his clothes on his bed, I couldn't take it anymore my hormones were going crazy and I just needed to touch his lips even if it was just for a second..I walked up behind him and put my hand on the back of his kneck while getting on my tippy toes to kiss him, his eyes slowly closed..I tryed to kiss like I had always seen people do in the romance movies, and I guess it worked because after a second of him being shocked, he leaned into me more and put one hand on my lower back and the other on the back of my neck and clutched on to the roots of my air, it was electrifying to say the least..I know it's cliche to say, but when his lips moved softly against mine and we kept the rythm going, I felt sparks come from both of us..and it was beautiful. He ran his tongue against my bottom lip and I wasn't sure what that ment so I just kept on kissing him the way I was until he parted my lips with his tongue and explored my mouth with it..I was shocked..and I didn't know if I should do the same...so I did, and when I did I heard a groan erupt from the back of his throat and he pulled me closer to him. I felt myself growing short of breath and I pulled away trying to stabilize my breathing, I opened my eyes but his were still closed and he lowered his head down to the crevice of my neck and started to give me slow light kisses there, my body shuttered at the feel of his lips as they grazed my skin to give a kiss on a different spot on my body. He then pulled back so that he could stare into my eyes and brought his hands up to cup the sides of my face..lust lingered in his eyes..and I knew I was already blushing, he whispered, "So I'll take that as a yes for you staying?" I giggled, and then remembered what Ivy told me...I scolded myself forgiving in and kissing him so soon, what if he thinks im easy? I got out of our tight embrace and grabbed my stuff from the floor, "I don't think so..I'll be waiting by the front door, okay?" I said while looking him in the eyes with a slight smile...The lust left his eyes and the word 'confusion' was written all over his face..I walked past him as he stood there with his eyebrows furroweded and his mouth partly open..I left the bedroom, and as I walked down the hall, I mentally gave myself a high five for leaving the way I did...Hopefully Ivy knows what she's talking about.


OH SHIT!! steamy makeout session! Ok so tell me what you all think, and what you would like to see happen, this day is going to be spent writing and updating, since I have nothing else to do..HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT DOWNEY JR!!!!!!! *muah*

VOTE-COMMENT..and thank you for the comments guys they mean alot really! They give me inspiration to write more.<3

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