|"Here's To The Rest Of Our Lives"|

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After Prom I didn't got to the cabin with most of my friends...because obviously Robert wouldn't be able to come..so I just went to his house and spent the night there, and this time when I woke up he was there with his arm wrapped around me and his face in my kneck...I just layed there next to him cus I didn't want to wake him up. While I was laying there...I started to think about how he acted once we got home. He seemed like he was sort of avoiding me..which is weird cus he is the one who told me to spend the night, actually he got a little mad last night but not at me.

He was sitting in his den drinking a cup of wine talking on the phone, just in his button up shirt and pants, his bow tie was undone but it was still on him..I opened the door slightly to see his back facing me..he was talking quietly, "No I told you 3 days ago everything that was needed..now you get it and have it ready, everything has to go perfect and on time, understand?" he hung up and threw his phone on the desk infront of him. He rubbed his face with his hands and sighed, I came in and wrapped my arms around his kneck from behind, my mouth was next to his hear, "What is it?"..he shook his head and sat back, "Nothing." "It didn't sound like nothing.." I said..he scratched his head, "Well it was.".."Ugh Whatever." I took my arms off him and just leaned against his desk...I noticed that he got rid of the picture of him and Liliann in Italy, that kinda of made me happy. He looked at me and then at his hands, "Sorry." I shrugged and walked out of the room. I heard him shut off the lamp and walk behind me. "Do you have any clothes for me to wear?" I said as I walked up the stairs while sliding out of my dress, "You act like I haven't seen you naked before." he said while squeezing my butt, I turned around and slapped his hand away with a smile, "Shutup!" he chuckled and went into his room, I sat on his bed while he took off his dress shirt. He took it off and tossed it to me, "Here." I smiled and put it on, he kicked off his shoes and his pants and climbed into bed in his boxers. His face was in the sheats and his hands were spread out, I rested my head on his back.."You know what I noticed?".."hm?" his voice was muffled because of the blanket..I smiled, "This is the first time you wore dress shoes, usually you wear sneakers." He lifted his head and rolled over, "Yea well..I figured I should wear them since you'll be all dressed up." I smiled and layed down with my head on his stomach, he ran his fingers through my hair and then leaned over to turn off the lamp, "Let's go to sleep." I pouted even though he couldn't see me in the dark. He got under the covers and just layed there waiting for me to lay next to him..but I just sat there looking at him, "Well?" he said while patting the spot next to him, I leaned closer and put my hand on his chest, "I'm not tired yet." he sighed and touched my hand..."You'll get sleepy, just lay down." I sighed.."But I don't want to sleep yet!" I said in a whining voice, "Then what do you want!" he complained, "I know something that will make me tired." I said teasingly, while running my hand down his chest and to his stomach..he turned to his side and brought the covers up to his face, "No. Go to sleep." he said bluntly...I was starting to get restless..we literally hadn't done anything in a while and I felt like my suspicions were right...he was getting bored of me, a month ago he couldn't keep his hands off me. "Whatever." I said while laying down, giving myself distance from him, he noticed that I was all the way on the other side of the bed and he turned over, "Why are you all upset now?" "Don't worry about it." I said quietly, "Come on." he said while reaching his hand out to my waist and pulling me next to him. But I still wouldn't face him..he grabbed the blanket and put it around me and then put his arm back over my waist. And I just fell asleep like that...I wasn't really mad, I was just annoyed it didn't seem fair.

He woke up and rolled over on his back, I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came out he was laying on his side with his head held up by his hand, I ignored him and left the room, I walked down stairs to the kitchen, and poured myself some cereal. I was feeling really tense. Robert came up behind me and put his hand on my hip, "What's wrong?" I shrugged and walked over to the table and sat down. He walked over to me and sat down..and just watched me...I was getting annoyed, "What?" I said while looking at him. "Tell me what's wrong" he said while starring at me..I looked down at my bowl, "Is it cus we didn't have sex last night?" he said while looking clueless. I shrugged and he looked away, "Bingo." I looked at him and put my spoon down, "Whenever you were in the mood or whatever... we did it, even if we had just finished we did it again cus you wanted to, and now that you're not 'in the mood' or whatever your problem is you don't even touch me..that's being pretty unfair to me. Correct me if I'm wrong but a relationship is about pleasing eachother..not just one." he looked away and avoided my stare, I got up and walked over to the sink and started washing my plate, "I was just tired." I turned around to see him sitting in the chair facing me..."You've been tired for almost 3 weeks?" he looked at me blankly and nodded his head, "Wow..ha' okay then I guess I'm always gonna be 'tired' too." He looked like he wanted to say somethimg but wouldn't..as I was walking to the living room I heard him ask, "Have you gotten your period this month yet?" That was random...he never asked me that..."Um...no I've been spotting, which is weird...I'm supposed to get it this upcoming week though."..he didn't say anything else.

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