|Something's Can't Be Forgiven|

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I was on my way to Amanda's house. Just like these past two days, I've been stopping by hoping that maybe she would come home and we could talk. She hasn't answered my calls or texts, she probably hates me. I can't stand not talking to her. I should have gone after her when she left my house. I just need to see her, and explain everything..fucking Charlie ruined everything...apart of me feels that she wouldn't have reacted that way if Charlie didn't come out with things the way he did...but In the end it's my fault. I just want this to pass over like everything else, but something tells me that won't happen.

I parked my car infront of Amanda's house and went to the door. I rang the doorbell but Kathy didn't answer thd door...it was Kassy. "Oh Hello Kassy..uhm is your mom here?" she had icecream in her hands, "Yup in her room." I walked inside and closed the door, she just stood there and looked at me whil eating her icecreammm."Uh can ya get her?" she shook her head, "No..she's crying." "What why?!" I said while walking to the stairs, "Dunno, I think cus manda screamed at her." I walked to Kathy's room and she was whiping her tears away infront of the mirror, I knocked and she turned around, "Oh...Hi Rob." I walked over to her.."What's going on?"..she slumped down on her bed, "Amanda moved out." I looked at her with confusion, "What? No..where would she stay?" "She came by and got her clothes...and the..then she just yelledandwentoffaboutbeingmadandshe'sgoneandIfeelhorrible." she said while bursting into tears...I sat down next to her.."Okay...first of all, breath..take a deep breath, I understand nothing you just said." she took a deep breath, "Okay...what did she say?".."She came home she went to her room asking where her suitcase was..I asked her why would she need it and she said because she's moving out. I told her we should just talk that she didn't need to do that..." I was getting nervous, "And what did she say?" "She got mad and said that she didn't care..that she didn't want talk to anyone not even you..and that she was moving in with her friend..she didn't tell me his name but she said he has a job..and that she will be job hunting tomorrow, and that he will help her apply to college...and that was all she said.." she started crying again..I got up, "What! She's moving in with a guy? What guy! Are you sure it's not.Josh Or Ivy?!" she shook her head.."No she didn't mention them she said said this guy is a good friend of hers and that she us going to live with him." "Did you see him?"..she shook her head "No..I was in here crying..she left about 30 minutes ago, she took some of her clothes...she took her car, she said she will be back for the rest...my daughter hates me Robert." she stood up, her voice was angry, "She hates me because of you.." I looked at her..I knew she was speaking out of anger, "Kathy." I said while reaching out to her..she backed away, "Charlie was right...I shouldn't have kept that from Amanda...my own daughter..why the fuck didn't you tel her you said you would?!" I sighed.."Look Kathy it wasn't that ea-" "GET OUT! now..before Charlie gets home." I looked at her..I couldn't believe what was happening. I turned around and left her room. I walked passed Amanda's room..I felt so sad..I walked down stairs and Kassy was sitting on the sofa watching t.v... "Bye kiddo." "Bye Robert!" I walked to my car and sat in it for a bit...who the hell would she be staying with? A guy? I couldn't help but get crazy jealous at the thought of that...I pulled out my phone and called Ivy. "Hello?" "Hey Ivy..It's Robert." "What do you want?" her voice turned cold, "..I know everyones mad at me ok..you all have a right to hate me..but I need to talk to Amanda..I don't know where she is, her mom told me that she moved in with some guy." "I haven't heard from her...and good for her.".."Woah what do you mean good for her? Do you know him?".."No but it's good that she moved out and is gonna start her life..you should just leave her alone Robert...enough has been done. You should move on." "What! Are you crazy? Ivy..listen I know I fucked everything up...but I love Amanda with everything I have..and we haven't even officially broken up..she hasn't talked to me..she's ignoring me. I don't even know where the hell she is, how do I know she's safe? How do YOU know she's safe?" ..she stayed quiet for a while, "Please help me Ivy...you don't have to forgive me..but atleast let me say what I have to say to her." she sighed.."I will call her tomorrow to see what's going on." she hung up..and I sat there with my phone on my lap..I felt so depressed, I drove home and stayed up almost all night drinking a whole bottle of wine...without Amanda I don't know what I will do..things weren't supposed to be lile this.

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