|Ready To Tango|

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I was in the mall wandering around trying to find a store that could possibly have something that Robert would like..or anything he didn't have, which is difficult because he basically has everything a person could want. Tomorrow, April 4th is his birthday...I feel bad that I am getting his present on such short notice but he's always with me. I decided I needed some advice...so I pulled out my phone and called Ivy, recently she reached out to me...I guess she wanted to give me time to get over things which was smart of her because I was raging pissed when all the truth came out. I forgive her...but I will never forget. Her and Josh are hardly on speaking terms he has gone from completely denying the baby, to it 'possibly' being his and that he demands a blood test once she is born, Yes..Ivy is having a girl.

The phone rang, "Hello?" "Hey, I need some advice..." "Use a condom."..I furrowed my eyebrows.."What? No not about that...tomorrow is Robert's birthday and I am at the mall and I have no fucking clue what to get him." she amswered quickly, "Condoms." I laughed, "Seriously..I am not getting those that's his job...plus who knows if we will even do it. The point is I need help..come to the mall?".."Eh fine my buffalo ass has nothing else to do." I scoffed, "Ivy you're pregnant, it's normal." "I feel like a cow.." I smirked, "What happened to buffalo?" "Fuck you, wait by Starbucks." she hung up and I laughed, Ivy will probably lose all the extra wait once the baby is born. I waited by Starbucks, and soon enough she came waddling in with her belly. She sat at the nearest table and sighed, I walked over and sat across from her, "Man, it was such a bitch getting out of my car."..I shook my head and waited for her to continue, "So what's up?".."Ok well tomorrow Robert's turning 44 and I haven't planned shit...I wan't to do something special and get him something. But I don't know what to get him...he has like everything he wants!" she thought for a bit, "Hmm, does he like music?".."Yea, why?" She got up.."Follow me." We walked down the food court and to the service desk, "They have ticketmaster here.." she turned to the man at the desk, "Can I have a list of the tickets available for all bands coming soon?" the man nodded and pulled out a paper with a list and dates on it. I looked at the list, there was Katy Perry, that is a definite no, there was Justin Bieber, that's a hell no, there was Black Sabbath, and there was Mumbford and Son's. I lit up, "Black Sabbath!" that's it. The man typed stuff in on his computer, "Alright..Two tickets or One ticket for Black Sabbath April 7th, 7:00 p.m?" I nodded my head "Two." "Alrighty, that'll be Two-hundred and thirty-five dollars." I was shocked...that's alot, but Robert is worth it. I handed the man my credit card and he handed me two tickets, I looked at them and smiled, "Perfect." Ivy and I then walked around the mall, window shopping. "So, that's all you're getting him?" she asked...I shrugged.."Yea, I guess." It was quiet for a bit.."So, no birthday sex for him then?" she asked while wiggling her eyebrows, I laughed, "About that....." she looked at me waiting for me to speak, "I was planning on taking him to a nice fancy dinner, and then back to his house...and possibly do it for the first time, but I'm iffy about it...what if he doesn't want to?" She looked at me as if I was stupid, "Dude if he has waited THIS long and you two still haven't done the nasty...then he deserves it tomorrow on his birthday." I sighed and started to blush, "That's true...but what if he doesn't like it...obviously he is more experienced then me." She shook her head, "That doesn't matter..look, just be confident, and do whatever you know how to do...make him forget that he ever even had sex with anyone else before you. Make it memorable..and don't be shy...if you're nervous it will show and that is a turn off. So just be confident...and if he want's to pleasure you too then let him. I nodded nervously and smiled "Okay, thanks." shs smiled deviously..."Now lets find something sexy for you to wear." She started walking and I followed behind her, we ended up in a langerie store...I kinda just stood there uncomfortablly. Ivy started to look around at all types of tight looking outfits. I looked over and I saw one that I actually like...it was a sexy red short see-through top that comes up to the butt, and a matching lacy thong, there wasn't a bra to go with it..that kinda made me nervous, I grabbed it and looked at it infront of myself in the mirror. Ivy came up behind me me..."Ooo that one's sexy, ya gonna get it?" I turned around, "Uh...I don't know.".."Come on it's perfect for you! Robert will pop a boner as soon as he see's you in that." I laughed, "Okay okay..this one." I walked over to the cashier and payed for it. We left the mall and walked back to the car, "So are you gonna go see him today?".."No, he has meetings after school with the other teachers..so since tomorrow is Saturday it's perfect." she nodded, "What are you gonna do?" I asked..she shrugged, "I'm gonna take a nap, this baby is tiring me out completely."..."Have you and Josh talked?" She looked away..."He is such a fucking bitch, I can't wait to have this baby and see his face when he realizes he is her father." I shook my head, "That's fucked up of him honestly.."..."Yupppp...has he talked to you?" I shook my head, "No I mean I think that he will but he hasn't, I still see him around." She frowned, "Im sorry for what we did to you Amanda...".."We are over that now so don't worry about it." I told her I'd text her soon and we went our seperate ways...but I was just so worried about tomorrow.

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