|Calm Before The Storm|

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I was at my locker taking off my jacket when I felt my jacket being lifted off me, I smiled to myself, and turned around "Hey ba-" I caught myself when I realized it wasn't Robert as I thought it was, instead it was Chris..I paused for a bit, and he handed me my jacket, "Oh uh, thanks." I said with a smile, he shrugged, "No prob." he said while leaning against the locker next to mine. "So how was that steak?" I asked while looking in my locker.."Oh, delicious. To bad you had to go." I closed my locker and looked at him, "Well I had to." he nodded, I started walking and he walked next to me, "Well I'll see you I have to get going to my class, joy." he said while rolling his eyes, I laughed "have fun!" I said as he walked down the hallway, Robert walked out of his room and across the hallway to get a drink of water when he looked over and saw Chris walking away from me, "Hey Rob." Robert gave him a suttle head nod and bent over to drink his water, he straightened back up and looked at Chris turning the corner and then to me, I shrugged and turned into his class, he came in and closed the door but didn't lock it. I was standing behind his desk taking a bite from his granola bar when I felt a pair of hands slide down my side's and on to my hips, his body was pressed up behind mine, and he rested his chin on my shoulder, he cocked his head and begain to give me deep succulent kisses on my kneck, they tickled. I could feel his breathing against my skin and I lightly moaned, I realized that we could get cought at any second. So I patted his head and moved away, "Not here." I said with a smile on my face, he pouted..."Fine." his eyes flickered down to my kneck and then back to my eyes, he bit his lower lip and stiffled back a laugh with a guilty look on his face. My eyes widened, "What? What is it? Why are you laughing?" he started to chuckle, I pulled out my phone and looked at the front screen camera, my mouth dropped open and I punched Robert on the shoulder, "What the fuck you gave me a hickey? Seriously?! Ugh, how am I gonna explain this?! Oh My God look how big it is!" his chuckle turned into a deep laugh. "It's a sign of my love." I glared at him, and then put on a sly smile, "It's ok.... I will get you back." he raised his hands, "Oh please spare me, I'm so scared." he said sarcastically, I glared at him, and pointed my index finger at him, "You'll see." I said before giving him a intimidating look and walking past him, "See you later snookums." he said with a cute smile, "mhm." was all I said before walking out the door...'oh yeah, he is totally gonna pay for this love bite.'

Mr. Mason's class was like the biggest drag of my life, he called me over and told me that my grades were suffering...I guess I haven't really payed much attention to my school work lately, It made me feel kinda of bad because I've never failed anything. I walked to art and Ivy was in her usual seat, I sat next to her. She turned to me.."So me and Josh talked about alot..", "Oh..and?" she scratched her head.."We decided that we will work our way to being in a relationship with eachother because we want our daughter to see us like that. But if it doesn't work...then we can stay good friends." I nodded my my head, "Is that what you want?" she shrugged.."I mean yea, of course I want to be with him when the baby is coming...but It will take alot of time for me to trust him." I nodded my head, "Well him coming to us was a big step towards fixing things."..she smiled to herself, "That's true." She tilted her head to look at the other side of me, "Is- is that a hickey!" she exclaimed..I quickly brought my hand up to cover it, "Shutup." I said through my teeth, she started to wiggle her eyebrows, "Looks like he can't keep his hands off you...speaking of keeping off you, how was his little birthday gift?" I rolled my eyes..."Well, it happened." She became really giddy, "Oh my god tell me everything, was he slow? Was it romantic? Oh god was it awkward? Is he tiny? Cus he is kinda short...Was he rough?..Ooo I bet he was rough?" I covered my face, "Can you stop!" she laughed, "Sorry sorry I just wanna know how little Amanda's first time was." I rolled my eyes, "Well, first off..I thought he would be a bit small too, but no..he is big, I mean BIG. It was really romantic, it was perfect to be honest, it wasn't awkward at all, and believe me he can go for hours...and it was rough but in a soft way, if that makes sense. After the fourth time, we cuddled and fell asleep." Her jaw dropped, "FOUR TIMES?!" I covered her mouth, "Care to tell the whole room? I don't think they heard you!" She bit her lip, "Sorry, wow I didn't think you had it in you..but I'm happy for you and him." I gave her a smile. Then Chris came in..he looked like somethig was bothering him, and that made class suck because usually he's really up beat and talkative but today it was so boring. Class ended and I hung around to talk to him, he was erasing the drawing on the board, "Heya.".."Oh your still here." he said with a glance back at me, "Yea...why the long face today?" he put the eraser down and put a hand in his pocket, "Uh..my grandmother has breast cancer and I have always been pretty close to her..I just got the call last night..and it's just...hard." I felt a wave of grief go over me..."My grandma had breast cancer too..she's alive..but the cancer left her not all there in the head." he frowned "I see what you mean." I nodded..I don't know why but something compelled me to hug him, so I did. At first he seemed shocked, but then he hugged me back tightly, "Thanks." he whispered, "No problem, cheer up..staying positive is a good thing." he looked down, "Would icecream make you feel better?" I asked while trying to get him to look at me, he smiled, and I laughed. "Afterschol, you and me are getting icecream." he laughed and nodded his head, "Alright..meet me back here after school?", "Sure thing." I said while walking out the door. I walked to lunch see Ivy and Josh sitting next to eachother, I'm glad they are going to work things out for the sake of their baby...Im not really bothered at all, we are all friends...and I personally would rather have Robert or nobody. Josh waited for me so that we could walk to 4th together, "So you and Ivy are gonna try and make it work?" he nodded, "Yea..I mean it's the sensible thing to do..we are having a baby so we might as well try...I think it'll workout." he said with a slight smile, I nodded "Good, I'm happy for you guys..but Josh?", "Yea?".."No more lies..and you better not hurt her." I said while pointing a finger at him, he smiled, "Don't worry." We walked into class and Robert was standing by Tania's desk, I guess she called him over or something. He was standing infront of her desk with his hands in his pockets, and she was sitting down with the stupidest smile on her face..she finished talking and Robert smiled awkwardly, nodded his head and walked away, when will orangutan get the hint. Once everyone was seated Robert picked up a stack of packets and started to hand them out with an evil grin on his face, every one groaned.."Come on guys you know the test is next week..this will help you all." I got my packet and looked at it, I'd say I knew about 50% of the stuff on there...but that was my excuse to get help from Robert. "And just to make you all happy campers, you can work in groups." he said while sitting down behind his desk, I guess that made everyone happy because they all worked in groups. I worked on like the first six questions...and then decided I needed help, and who better to ask then the teacher. I got up and walked to the front of Robert's desk, "Oh Mr. Downey?" I said with a smirk on my face, he glanced up from the papers he was grading and looked at me, "Yes, Miss. DeAngelo?"..."I need your help." he smirked and nodded his head "Tell me something I don't know." he pointed to the chair close to his desk. I pulled over next to his chair and sat down, I put my elbow on his desk and held my head up with my hand, "Ya know.....Ivy saw the mark you left me?" I whispered while pretending to look at the packet. "Oh? Well...I just have to let everyone know you're mine." I gaped my mouth, "Excuse me?"...he smirked and started grading the next paper, "You're excused." I glared at him and looked down at my packet, I moved my foot slowly to his ankle and slowly started to lift his pant leg up...he moved to the next paper, "Nice try." he said. I smiled and moved my hand to his knee, I ran it slowly up his inner thigh...there was still no reaction, so I kept moving my hand until it was in his crotch area, I moved my hand lower until I felt a hard lump in his pants, I brushed my fingers across it and he slightly jumped out of his seat, causing everyone to turn and look at him, my hand was back on my lao and he cleared his throat, "Uh..sorry thought I dropped my drink." he said while sitting back down, everyone turned back around, and I started laughing.He glared at me, I could see it through my peripheral vision...I grabbed my pen and started to write in my packet...his glare turned into a mischevious smile, he leaned over while pointing at the packet with his right hand, I hadn't even noticed that he lowered his left hand under his desk, he put his hand on my thigh and told me the answer..he then squeezed my thigh, "You're gonna get it later." he said in a sexy voice...before turning back to his papers. I smiled to myself, and a part of me couldn't wait till 'later.'

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