|No One To Save You|

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I could barerly open my eyes, it took so much strength just to open them, my head was throbbing and my body felt weak. I realized there was something over my mouth, keeping me fron opening it..tape. I was laying down, as my vision cleared up my eyes darted around the room trying to see anything with a glimpse of light that was coming in from the window, my arms were tied to the bed, so were my feet. I started to thrash my body to try and break out of where ever I was but it didn't work, I then felt the bed move a bit and I turned to my head to see what was there. Sam sat up and yawned, and then I remembered that he had taken me from the baby shower...I think I hit my head but I can't remember. Sam looked over at me and smiled, "Good to see you're awake." I glared at him as he stood up and put his shirt on, I could see the tattoos on his back and shoulders, he ran a hand through his greaser styled dark brown hair and grabbed a cigerette from his bed side and shoved it in his mouth, he sat down on a chair across from the bed and put his bulky black boots on, "Sleep well?" he asked with a smirk on his face, I managed to flick him off with my hand still tied to the bed..he looked at me and then laughed, "Oh that's right you can't talk."..he walked over to where I lay and kneeled down, he got real close to my face and I could smell his cigarette breath like it punched me in the face..I looked at him with so much hate, "If I take this tape off...and you yell, I will hurt you." he gave me a warning look before slowly taking the tape off. I looked at him with the cigarette in his mouth, "Good girl." he said and I drew back and spat on him. His eyes grew darker and he took the cigarette in his hand and brought it to my forearm, "You're making me do this." He pressed it against my skin and I felt an immidiate burning pain in my arm...I refused to yell, and show any pain or weakness, I bit the inside of my mouth as hard as I could..he put the cigarette back in his mouth and looked at me with a suprised look, "Impressive." He brought his face down to mine and kissed me but I turned my face, he kissed my cheek and whispered, "Don't make me do it again." I kept my head turned to the side as he stood back up and put the tape back on my mouth, he walked over to the chair and grabbed his leather jacket, "I have shit to do...want the light on or off?" he asked while standing at the door with his hand on the switch, I still wouldn't look at him...I could see him shrug as he closed the door to the bedroom, I heard him lock it from the outside. I looked at the ceiling and tried to think of anyway to get out, I looked at the alarm clock next to the bed, '11:20 a.m. Monday.' Okay, so he took me last night...I was relieved to know I wasn't knocked out for days. I started to wonder if anyone knew I was missing, if anyone noticed...if Robert was still mad at me, if he even cared. I almost started to cry..no matter how hard I tried to change it my mind kept telling me I was never going to be saved, Sam was going to kill me and there wasn't shit I could do about it.


»The night befofe«

**Robert's POV**

I drove to the nearest bar, I really needed a drink and I need to pass the time until I had to go back and pick her up. Amanda just pissed me off so much, how could she call me jealous and insecure, how could she got out for icecream with Chris....she could have just told him shit would be okay. She's so naive. I walked into the bar and asked for a beer, I sat down at the bar stool and took out my phone, I looked at my screen and saw the picture of Amanda and I at the Black Sabbath concert, she was taking the picture while leaning over and kissing my cheek. I smiled a little bit...but then my beer came and I drank a bit and got mad again. I was watching ESPN...well honestly I wasn't 'watching' it I didn't really care...my mind was stuck on what happened earlier in the car. I looked at the time, '8:40 p.m.' The thing ends at 9 so I should call, cus I know stubborn ass won't. I called, no answer. I waited two minutes and called again, nothing. I wasn't sure if she was ignoring me or if she just couldn't hear her phone but I was starting to get really annoyed, ten minutes later I called again..I left a message, "Amanda answer the damn phone." It was now 9:15 and she hadn't called back. I payed for my beer and stormed out to my car, I drove back to Josh's house and parked a couple houses down...the lights in the back yard were off so I knew the shower was over, I called Amanda again, "Amanda I don't have time for this bullshit, I know you're there and I know the shower is over if you don't come out I'm going in there and getting your ass I don't give a shit what Josh knows."...I sat there and waited another five minutes, I was so pissed at this point I slammed my car door and walked to Josh's door step. I rang the bell..and a man answered the door, "Hello can I uh help you?" the man asked while looking at me curiously...I nodded, "Yea, can you tell Amanda, Robert is here." he looked at me weird ..."Well, everyone's gone..the shower ended 30 minutes ago..." I scratched my head..."Is Ivy here?" he nodded his head and stepped out, "Yea, what are you looking for them for?" He seemed like he was suspicious of something I started to lose my patience, "Look guy, can ya just go get Ivy?"..."Yea, go fuck yourself pal." he went to close the door but I put my foot in the doorway and stopped him, "The fuck is your problem? Just get Ivy." I said raising my voice a bit..he stepped out and put his finger on my chest, "Get the hell outta here alright." I shoved him, "Don't fucking touch me." He took a step closer and puffed out his chest, this guy is about to make my fucking day. But then Ivy came to the door with a shocked face, "Hey! what's going on? Mr. D-...Robert what are you doing here!" I looked at her..."Amanda told me to pick her up when the shower was over but she's ignoring my calls." Ivy stepped out.."Oh she isn't here.." Josh then stepped out and stood next to Ivy, she looked at Josh and then back at me, "I thought you came for her already?" Ivy said with a confused face..Josh looked at me.."Mr. Downey? Uhm Wha What are you doing here?" I ignored his question and looked at Ivy, "Did you see her leave?" she shook her head..."No, I saw her get up during the shower and walk into the house and she didn't come back, so I guess that's when she left." I looked at Ivy and then at Josh and then at the ground, my hand curled into a fist...I was so pissed right now, she left and didn't even bother to tell me when she knew I was picking her up. I shook my head and walked back to my car, "Thanks anyways." I said while waving at Ivy..I got in my car and started my drive home, 'fine, if Amanda wants to play this fucking game, then we will play this game.'


*Amanda's POV*

I was starting to get restless...Sam had been gone for more than an hour and I was starving. I then heard footsteps on the hardwood floor, I heard the door unlock and the door opened, it was Sam. He took off his jacket and threw it at the wall he sat down in the chair and held his head in his hands for a bit, I just looked at him with a 'what the fuck' face. He sighed and looked up at me, he walked over and took the tape off me...he leaned down and kissed me, he was eager and sloppy and his lips felt gross. I didn't kiss back, when all of a sudden my stomach grumbled really loud and he heard it, he smirked against my lips and sat up, "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to feed you." he got up quickly and left the room, a couple minutes later he came back with a sandwich and a banana and a cup of water. I glared at him as he pulled up a chair next to my side, he started to feed me. I wouldn't look at him...I hated that I was in this needy position right now. He unpeeled the banana and started feeding it to me and he got a weird look in his eyes...I'm not sure if it was lust, he stopped feeding me the banana, and looked at me, "So what have you done with your life since you left hm?" he asked in a casual way...the lust hadn't left his eyes, "Have any boys asked you out?" When he said that I looked away from hm...he leaned closer and grabbed a fist full of my hair.."Who is it?" he hissed..I still wouldn't look at him he tugged on my hair harder, "Answer me you bitch." I glared at him.."My boyfriend is going to make sure that you die...just know that." his face twisted and then he laughed psychoticly, he brought his face closer to mine, "You think I'm scared of a little boy?" I chuckled and shook my head, "He's not a little boy actually..he's probably older then you." his eyebrows furroweded and he looked at me..."But...I'm 42?" I smirked, "Exactly." he let go of my hair and slapped me, "You slut...I told you you're mine...did you fuck him?" I didn't answer him, he slid his hand down and grabbed onto my boob, "Is this how he touched you? Huh slut?" he then ran his hand down to my crotch area, "Or here?" he started to grab me down there and I squirmed away, "Are you a virgin still.." he asked with a serious face, I laughed and didn't acknowledge him, I was making the sick bastard mad. He grabed my face by my jaw and made me look at him, "You fucked him didn't you?" he spat at me in an amgry voice..I smirked and quietly said, "More then you'll ever know." He got up and drew his fist back, and landed a punch right to the left side of my face, I turned my head away in pain and started to yell as loud as I could..he quickly grabbed the tape and put it over my mouth..he was now breathing hard, "You stupid bitch, I was not planning on killing you, but you're dead, and so is your boyfriend." That worried me, if he were to even hurt Robert I don't know what I'd do...it would be my fault. He went to get his jacket, when my iphone went off, it made the notification noise that I have 20% battery left, I was praying he didn't here it, but he quickly turned and looked at me...he walked over quickly and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. He looked at it, and there was the picture of me kissing Robert on the cheek on my screen, he had the same backround on his phone too...Sam clenched his jaw. "This is him? Well he's a dead man." he swiped the screen, "7 missed calls from 'Robert'? I'm guessing that's him huh.." I didn't answer him, he put the phone in his pocket and walked over to me..."Well guess what, I'm gonna find him, and when I do...he's gonna wish he never met you." I glared at him, he turned around and walked out the door. As soon as he left fear started to set in not for myself..but for Robert, Sam is a fucking psycho, all I could do was pray that he wouldn't find Robert.


Tell me your guys ideas or what you want to see happen, I love and read every comment you guys post they are great..next chapter will be up later tonight!! VOTE-COMMENT please&thank you. :)

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