Chapter 2 - Hogwarts reality

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---- Present time, Hogwarts

"An Auror? Here at Hogwarts?" questioned Sharp, surveying Mathilde Weasley in her office. She had a very important matter to speak about with him, finishing his Potion classes with 4th years students, he promptly moved to meet the Deputy Headmistress and Professor of Transfiguration.

"The Ministry has decided that after the Goblins' attack, they want to deal with the remaining rebels. I can confidently say they view this as their failure and are now spurred to take action," Mathilde explained, a furrow forming on her brow in irritation, she quickly corrected her narrow shaped glasses and continued. "Moreover, our Charlotte left alone without Fig, has decided to abstain from using ancient magic. I fear she may be grappling with some form of trauma, which is quite understandable in her circumstances, poor girl."

A momentary sadness flickered across her face, "Teachers are advised to keep an eye on all students, hence the Ministry's decision." she concluded with a deep sigh and crossing her arms,

Surprised, Sharp questioned further, "How can she effectively teach if she's preoccupied with hunting goblins?"

"She's been assigned to oversee Hogwarts' protection, and for that, she must be incognito. Everyone must believe she's just a teacher—a guardian for the school. In addition to her role, she'll be hunting down the remaining loyalists of the late Ranrok."

"I'm still not entirely sure how this concerns me," Sharp responded, his impatience was gradually growing.

"The Ministry believes that you, as an ex-Auror and apparently her mentor back then, would be the perfect fit to assist the young lady in acclimating and devising an action plan."

Sharp's brows lifted in surprise. "My apprentice? I didn't have anyone except..."

"Leike van der Weld, that's her name," Mathilde finished. Judging by her colleague's expression, he was conflicted.

"I'm afraid I can't help," abruptly standing up, he felt as growing anxiety was filling his chest. "Excuse me, Professor. I must leave for the Ministry to resolve this."

"Professor, wait..." she couldn't finish, as Sharp opened the door, and Leike was just about to enter from the other side. The door handle pulled her off balance, and when she realized who she had bumped into, Sharp took a step back immediately. Their eyes met, both wide open in surprise.

"This time no stain, at least. Welcome to Hogwarts," said Sharp, not even looking at her as he was leaving the office, slamming the door. Leike stood there, seemingly petrified. This was not how she expected their meeting to be.

Mathilde ran after him, stopping in the middle of the classroom, whispering. Leike couldn't understand a word but tried to sneak a peek of what was happening through the narrow-opened door. Nevertheless the situation, she remained balanced, placing her numb expression on her face.

After a few minutes, Professor Weasley returned to the office, with a slight embarrassment on her face.

"My apologies, Miss van der Weld," she began, joining her hands together.

"No reason to apologize; please call me Leike," replied carelessly as If nothing happened.

"Mathilde Weasley, you can call me by my first name if you're comfortable with that," smiling in relief, she pointed to the chair in front of her desk "Please, take a seat."

Aurors - story of Leike and Sharp | Hogwarts LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now