Chapter 14 - Old lover pt. 1 (vanilla 18+)

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Listening to this song while reading is an absolute MUST :)
Lord Huron - The Night We Met


Another day passed, and Leike became more and more concerned about Sharp's disappearance. She decided to travel to the ministry in London, and being directed by the minister, she learnt that Sharp stayed in their old common house.

When Leike entered the Auror's building, an unsettling feeling enveloped her. Hogwarts had become her new home, a place of comfort. This place stirred up too many contrasting memories. Even though everything felt familiar, it lacked in life that school was providing. No laughs of students and their pranks on each other, no kind colleagues eager to help with everything she would ask for, no Charlotte and no Sharp.

As she walked towards her room, she heard a familiar voice, it was Paul, a man that she has been in a short relationship with, a year before she got sent to Hogwarts. He hastened his pace, approaching her. She stood there, startled, as if she had seen a ghost, even though their encounter here was inevitable.

"I can't believe it, you're back," Paul exclaimed, trying to hug her. She took a step back.

"No, I'm not back," her instant reply confused him. The idea of returning was becoming too abstract, and she wasn't even sure if she wanted it at this point.

"I fear that you might grow resentment towards me because of our last encounter. My apologies for letting my emotions get unleashed in such a manner," Paul's voice softened as he attempted to approach her more cautiously. She remained motionless.

"No need to apologize. I hold no grudge towards you," she replied, trying to finish the conversation as fast as possible.

Meanwhile, Sharp was descending the stairs. Upon overhearing their conversation, he stopped, hiding behind the wall, and listened intently.

"If that's how you feel, would you consider being back with me?" Paul's voice grew hoarse, hinting at desperation.

"Paul..." Leike's voice trailed off, hesitant to continue.

"I'll wait until your mission is finished, and if you allow me, I promise to visit you and write to you," Paul persisted.

She remained silent, not wanting to hurt him, but she was certain she didn't want to be with him.

"Leia, please," Paul pleaded.

Sharp's expression darkened upon hearing someone call her by such a name. The thought of her being in a relationship with another man was excruciating, but he knew that it was his fault leaving her suddenly all these years ago.

"I'm so sorry, Paul," she finally spoke, her voice heavy with regret.

For a moment, he fell silent, swallowing hard. Gathering his words he spoke

"It's because of him, isn't it?" he asked, his eyes glazed. "It was always him. I felt it every time I held you or touched you. You would close your eyes, letting your mind wander elsewhere or rather, to someone else. I used to think I could change it, that I could show you I would treat you better if only you let me. But his ghost haunted us all the time."

She was speechless. Deep down, she knew Paul was right. In the same moment, Sharp's eyes closed, not sure If in relief or in anger.

"But I'll be waiting. I know all of this will be over, and If he hurts you again, I'll be there for you," Paul continued, trying to convince more himself than her to his words.

"Paul, I'm sure you'll find someone who will be much better choice for you than me," she replied gently.

He shook his head in disagreement.

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