Chapter 15 - Old lover pt. 2 (18+)

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Listening to this song while reading is an absolute MUST :)
Lord Huron - The Night We Met


----- Autumn 1 year ago, before arriving to Hogwarts, 1890

During those five years while Sharp was at Hogwarts, Leike focused on rebuilding herself anew. Her best friend Olivia stood by her side, despite her own struggles with Gale's death, remaining a loyal companion.

Another friend, Paul Longman, whom she met during their duel to become Sharp's apprentice, was always there for her when she needed peace. Paul, a Scottish wizard three years her senior, developed a love interest in her after their initial encounter.

In the evening, the group of five went to the Muggle bar, The Old Bell, a regular choice offering various alcoholic beverages. The dimmed light of the place was interrupted by loud voices of the customers. Perfect place for wizards, who do not want to be spotted.

"How do you feel after the last mission?" Paul asked, sitting next to Leike, his green eyes fixed on her face, contemplating its features.

"Strange. I wonder what kind of magic created these artifacts. I haven't seen anything like this. Maybe we can..." Leike began, only to be interrupted by Olivia.

"Blah blah blah, or maybe we can just enjoy our evening, hm?" her friend interjected.

Paul smiled and nodded. "Would you like another round?" he asked, noticing a few drops of red wine left in Leike's glass. She wanted to decline, but Olivia's piercing gaze made her go with the flow.

"Yes, please," Leike replied, to her friend's satisfaction.

Olivia immediately sat next to her. "I hope you won't waste it," she remarked, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm not sure what you're implying," Leike faked confusion, turning her head to finish the last drops of her wine. Olivia shook her head.

"I may not have the best taste in men, as we all know. But Paul is such a kind heart; it's adorable seeing him looking after you this whole time."

"Paul is not..." Leike started, but Olivia cut her off.

"Not Sharp?"

Leike nodded lightly, locking her eyes on her glass. Olivia placed a hand on her back, gently patting it. "And thank God he's not. At least Paul won't hurt you like he did."

"He didn't have a choice..." Leike attempted to defend Sharp.

"Stop defending him at once. Of course he did. He chose to leave you to pursue his own needs. He was selfish, but you are still devoted to the man who shattered you to pieces," Olivia's emotions were heightened by alcohol. "If I ever see him, I swear I would Crucio him myself."

"Don't say such things," Leike urged.

"Leia, I saw what hell he put you through. I just wish for you someone who would take your feelings into consideration, not act out of their own needs," Olivia said, looking at Paul as he approached them. "Just give him a chance."  she whispered.

Leike swallowed in stress. Paul placed filled glasses on the table, smiling towards Leike, who nodded in gratitude.

As they were walking back to the Auror's building, Leike and Paul lagged behind the group. It was a warm autumn night, and the crisp air made breathing easier. Her long brown dress was slightly flowing on a delicate wind, matching the bright colors of leaves falling on the pavement.

After a few minutes, Paul initiated a conversation.

"Leia," he started with a slightly trembling voice, "I know I am not him, and I won't ever be as good as you think he was."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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