Chapter 5 - Hunting and reveal

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I recommend while reading: late night in Bella's room | twilight instrumental


Present time

After yet another day, Leike's thoughts were singularly focused on bringing as many of Ranrok's loyalists to Azkaban as possible. She decided to dress more comfortably, featuring black leather pants, tall boots, a flowing white shirt tightly embraced by a black corset, and a black velvet cape.

Ready for action, she summoned her broom. It was a keychain attachted to her trousers with a golden chain, once the words „to me" were spoken, the broom started to grow with the chain attached to her for additional safety - a gift from Sharp years ago, when flying drunk she almost fell on the tree. A slight smile appeared on her face on this memory.

Eager to depart, she had requested the installation of a Fiuu station in her office. When she was almost ready to hit the ground with the Fiuu powder, she heard a familiar voice.

"Leike?" said Charlotte, entering the classroom.

"Yes, Lotte?" Her voice stressed.

The young girl eyed her friend's attire with suspicion. "Are you leaving to somewhere?"

"I have something to do, need to leave the castle," she made a swift reply, hoping to avoid further questions. However, Lotte's curiosity continued to grow.

"I'm familiar with the entire area; allow me to show you the surrounding." she suggested.

"Don't worry, I will find my way. You should leave for your common room; it's getting late already."

"Allow me to accompany you. I am confident in my ability to defend myself."

"Even if I wanted to, I cannot. Believe me. You can wait for me here if you want; I shouldn't be late."

Lotte, feeling disappointment, opted to wait for her in the office. Finally free from her classroom, Leike seized the opportunity to step out, using the mission as an opportunity. For her, the chance to spend time alone outside the castle was a mandatory idea —a time to catch her breath and organize her thoughts. An introvert by nature, she cherished these moments beyond the city walls.

After arriving in the village, Leike noticed that all the villagers were hiding in their houses; two buildings were damaged by arson. She observed a house with lights on and decided to pay a visit.

"Is someone here?" she knocked. A man's voice responded cautiously.

"Depends on who is asking," man's face depicted fear. Sharp's suspicion about this village being terrorized by goblins was true.

"I am an Auror sent from the Ministry, chasing down those who damaged this village." trying to stay as calm as possible, Leike wanted to get information quickly and move to her next objective.

The voice of the woman inside whispered to open the door, allowing Leike to enter. Horrified by poor conditions of their living, she was even more determined to hunt down Ranrok's loyalists.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but we don't have much to offer except a wee bit of tea. Everythin' else was swiped by those blasted goblin." she said, heading to the kitchen counter.

"This won't be necessary; I just wanted to ask for some clues and will be going further."

"Alright then, what would ye' like to know, Miss?" a man asked, gesturing to where Leike could sit.

"When was the last time you had intruders?" her inquiry met an approval as faces of the householders got brighter.

"Three nights ago, that house got on fire, woke me a minute."

Aurors - story of Leike and Sharp | Hogwarts LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now