Chapter 12 - Walls of Azkaban

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i recommend to listen to: Edward Elgar - Cello Concerti un E Minor, Op. 85 l. Adagio


In the wizarding realm, few places evoked as much fear as Azkaban. Its towering structure surrounded by  stormy waters, guarded by the sinister Dementors. Despite Leike's near-fearlessness, these creatures unsettled her each time they were around. As she and Sharp walked towards the reception, the chilly ambient of the area sent shivers down her spine.

The receptionist, an elderly woman with trembling hands, eyed them suspiciously. "Who are you?" she demanded.

"I am Leike van der Weld, and here is my badge," Leike replied, presenting the emblem of her occupation. The woman nodded, accepting the identification, then turned her attention to Sharp.

"And you, Mister?" She asked, her gaze fix on filling papers.

"I am an ex-Auror," he stated simply.

"What is your name?"

"Aesop Sharp."

The old woman's expression shifted to one of surprise. "My apologies, sir. I didn't recognize you."

"Don't worry, Hanna. It's been a while," Sharp reassured her.

The woman scrutinized them further. "Clearly. What brings you here?"

Leike stepped forward. "We caught a Goblin, another of Ranrok's loyalists. But that's not all," she explained. "I sent some poachers here a month ago, and I'd like to speak with them."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow. "Another joint mission, I presume?"

"That's none of your concern. Just tell us where the poachers are and hand over this prisoner to the guards," Leike insisted.

"At once," Hanna replied, bowing slightly as she handed them a map marked with cell locations. Taking the keys and the map, Leike and Sharp ascended the stairs.

As they approached the cells, Dementors hovered ominously above. Sharp summoned his Patronus—a majestic wolf—while Leike conjured her own—a playful bunny. Watching their Patronuses interact, Leike couldn't help but smile.

"It's bringing back memories. The first time I saw your Patronus, I thought it would make paté out of it," she remarked.

"And as history has shown, he was merely protecting it. He knows it's fragile and feels compelled to watch over it," Sharp looked at it as bunny jump on it's back.

"Very considerate of him. I'm sure my bunny could hold its own," Leike teased.

"Certainly, it's quite powerful, but it doesn't have to do everything alone as long as the wolf is nearby," Sharp remarked, a warmth in his tone that Leike found comforting.

Drawing closer, they walked side by side, their Patronuses exuding a protective aura that kept the Dementors at bay.

Upon reaching the cell, they found the poacher Leike had apprehended last time. Sharp inspected him closely. "What happened to his tooth?" he asked Leike.

"He acted unpleasantly, so he had a close encounter with my heel," Leike replied dryly, shaking her head at the memory.

"Miraculous that you're still alive, poacher," Sharp remarked, turning to the prisoner. "We need you. You're coming with us."

"I'm not going anywhere with that whore," the poacher spat.

Sharp's patience wore thin. Unlocking the cell, he grabbed the poacher and delivered three swift punches, knocking out another tooth.

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